2020-07-16 Fulfillment & ILL FG Meeting notes


Jul 16, 2020 11:00 AM


  • @Mark Marrow , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed) , UCLA

  • @Sahra Klawitter , UC Riverside

  • @Micquel Little (Unlicensed) , UC San Francisco

  • @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara

  • @Kristen Cardoso (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz NOTE TAKER Backup

  • @Joseph Ferrie , California Digital Library

  • @Joe Ameen , UCM (Liaison) Note Taker

  • @Judea D'Arnaud , UC San Diego


Discussion items


Desired Outcome








Desired Outcome








Check-in/ Updates

PPC meeting updates and review of any action items from last meeting

Quick share of any local team updates



  • Strategically Placed Reminder for Elizabeth to Record this meeting

  • Reminder- Fulfillment Training office hours Monday 7/20.

  • Alma Essentials training modules will be repeated again in November in preparation for the test environment delivery to us all on Feb. 5

  • Vanguard testing for non-vanguard campuses

    • Ex Libris will give us one sysadmin account for every instance (5 IZs + 1 NZ); those sysadmin accounts can then create as many local accounts (of any privileges) as needed. There will also be access to analytics.

      • So, it’s possible to create non-vanguard accounts as needed.

    • But - we need to find out what’s actually needed!

      • ICs / PMs will be conducting a needs assessment survey for each non-vanguard campus to identify use cases for non-vanguard involvement.

      • PPC / FG chairs will be identifying use cases for functional group testing that would involve non-vanguard members.

    • Once we have a list of the use cases / needs, we can make a plan to accommodate them.

      • Possible solutions:

        • Shared accounts for non-vanguard staff?

        • “Vanguard Buddies” where a VG campus hosts a non-VG campus staff

        • Demos or show and tells from VG campuses

        • Pair or group work with VG and non-VG members doing testing

  • RLF group discussion

We might consider tagging other groups in decision pages.






Harmonization work

Continue our discussion from last week. Remaining campuses share why current loan periods are set up the way the are https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-W2psaW6GsgOTD1ByTHRF00bikcnVR6W/edit#gid=1939968629

Placeholder for decisions page in the google space



Categories will be added to the Google Sheet based on the Configuration Form.

UCSF seems willing to adjust their loan times.

UCM is on the semester system, loan times for undergraduates are longer than that time frame. The rest of the categories are set at 1 year. There is some flexibility.

UCSB seems open to harmonization. UCSB is already on Alma. Due dates are set based on expiration date. Uses limited auto-renewals.

UCSC used to auto-renew for faculty and staff. They still do unlimited renewals but they are no longer automatic.

UCR has automatic renewals set for faculty.

UCB renewals are based on the loan period. Undergraduates get 11 renewals, Faculty get 7. This pencils out to about a year or three years, respectively. These renewals are not automatic.

Current UCB setup restricts users from placing and ILL request for something available locally.

UCLA is flexible and willing to move upward.

This effort might inform or be the same as the harmonization for the FZ users.

It’s unclear how the ROTA templates will work with a Title based system.


Members should fill in the required information.



Configuration Form Review



  • PMs are getting clarification on how many times the configuration forms will be submitted during the project. This will give us an idea of how easy it will be to re-configure things from Vanguard to Test to Go-Live. The question will be answered at the July 30th Configuration meeting

  • The configuration forms will be somewhat pre-populated.

  • Our main focus will likely be the Fulfillment tab.

  • There is a Fulfillment section in the General and Booking tabs as well.

  • There are opportunities to harmonize across patron types.

  • It’s unclear what configuration will occur in the NZ as well.

  • Different campus handle “visiting scholars” differently and have a patron group for that.

Elizabeth will update the page and group member should update for their campuses.








There are some questions around what other things this group might add to the parking lot. Expiration dates and whatnot.

Members can add to the parking lot issues that they feel need to be considered or tracked.




Parking Lot

DDS Decision Page

UCI DDS Demo with Fulfillment and ILL FG Aug 13th meeting



Feedback received on this:

An additional operation factor may be needed. (Item type)





Parking Lot

How to integrate an ILL broker with Alma decision page

July 30th vote date



  • Sent to Discovery Team

  • Check in with Jason to see if he was able to get some information related to the Davis/Hathi Trust integration.













Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu