2020-08-04 Fulfillment & ILL FG Meeting notes


Aug 4, 2020 11:00 AM


  • @Mark Marrow , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed) , UCLA

  • @Sahra Klawitter , UC Riverside

  • @Micquel Little (Unlicensed) , UC San Francisco

  • @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara

  • @Kristen Cardoso (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz NOTE TAKER Backup

  • @Joseph Ferrie , California Digital Library

  • @Joe Ameen , UCM (Liaison) Note Taker

  • @Judea D'Arnaud , UC San Diego


Discussion items


Desired Outcome








Desired Outcome








Check-in/ Updates

PPC meeting updates and review of any action items from last meeting

Quick share of any local team updates



  • Strategically placed Reminder for Elizabeth to record Meeting

  • Reminder: pre-populated configuration forms will be sent to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, and UCSF tomorrow 7/31. The drafts will be due back on 8/14 and the final 8/21

    • UCSB and CDL will not be filling in configuration forms at this time. Answer from basecamp “CDL is not listed for the config form tasks as there’s no configuration form for the NZ. CDL however can/should review all trainings and attend meetings to understand what other consortium members are doing.”

  • Devote next week’s meeting time to special Fulfillment network session with Ex Libris on August 6, from 10-12.

    • Meeting Agenda:

      • Fulfillment Network Attributes

      • Fulfillment Network – Direct Request

      • Automated Fulfillment Network

      • Configuring Fulfillment Network

      Who Should Attend: 

      •  Those who will be making Fulfillment Network decisions and choices

  • Reminder UCI DDS Demo Meeting next week.




Everyone should prep for the August 6th meeting with the training materials below: Training materials
I believe we have seen most of these already. In addition to those recommended below I think
that the following article is of interest:https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/030Fulfillment/020Circulation_Desk_Operations/Automated_Fulfillment_Network_Requests_(AFN)Fulfillment Networks training materialshttps://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Training/Resource_Sharing/D_Fulfillment_Networks_Resource_SharingThis course includes the following sessions: 
  • 01 Introduction to Fulfillment Networks Resource Sharing (4 min)


  • 02 Walk-In Scenario in a Fulfillment Network (4 min)


  • 03 Direct Patron Requests in a Fulfillment Network (4 min)


  • 04 End-to-End Staff Workflows for Direct Patron Requests (3 min)


  • 05 Tracking Patron Resource Sharing Activities (2 min)


  • 06 Configuring a Fulfillment Network (4 min)


  • 07 Linking Users in a Fulfillment Network (4 min)



Everyone submit any questions you have for the UCI DDS demo by Aug 10th at 5pm https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T6Qf8CuLqz5PUYbxuD-6kkOMYcGk01mzUD7qb3taqhg/edit



RLF Meeting with ExLibris

I’ll be asking the ICs to set up a meeting in 2-3 weeks with members of our group and reps from the RLFs to discuss their setup in the fulfillment network.

  • Let’s figure out who should attend and plan to prepare a document for ExLibris that includes how we currently interact with the RLFs, and the setup we’d ideally like to retain.



All + Cathy Martyniak (SRLF) and Lynne Grigsby (UCB)

There has been mention of remote storage in the training materials but that might not be the best fit for our use case.

The RLFs may be need to configured so that they are included in the IZ for some campuses. It might be that they “look” like a library at UCLA or Berkeley.

A meeting with Ex Libris to discuss the RLFs might need to go beyond Fulfillment to include Discovery and Resource Management.

It might be that a first meeting with Ex Libris would be to explain what the RLFs are and how they function. With the possibility for subsequent meetings for specific FGs or groups of FGs.

The limitations of Ex Libris may mean that some previous workflows are no longer possible.

VDX will be retained for ILL past go-live for ILL outside of the FZ.

Questions include:

  • How do we set up ROTAs to select RLFs first?

  • How will electronic fulfillment work (DDS) work with the RLFs moving forward?

  • What happens if a campus retains a local record for an item in an RLF?



Elizabeth will work with Caitlin to set up a meeting to discuss RLFs with Ex Libris.



Configuration Meeting Debrief

Check-in after meeting before ours to see if there’s anything new we need to be aware of as we do the configuration work in August



There is a Decision Page highlighting what sections individual campuses should hold off on filling out in order to harmonize.

It appears that the Fulfillment tab on the configuration form is to be filled out individually.

The group would like to proceed with some harmonization. This may take place once the vanguard is int he testing phase.




Testing in the Vanguard Environment




Vanguard and non-guard FGs will both get appropriate access to test in the vanguard.

This is the URL to the Vanguard testing scenarios draft ILSDC has been working on: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dFi7lbwbrXzYd4rr_rlvKcQCT0LRGKw7EzzxcuEgBeE/edit?usp=sharing

  • These are a huge number of checklist items to go over!

  • Not everything will apply to each campus, and does not need to be filled in if it doesn’t apply

  • Initially they looked at the harmonization and data cleanup that was made, but that was almost too detailed from ILSDC side of things, especially where there were options.

  • ILSDC: “did the data come over the way you expected it to?” then FGs “okay and does that work for us?”

  • These recommendations are for each campus to take back and do as a checklist.

  • ILSDC will mostly be done with this doc by Aug 7th

  • FGs could also add some tabs to this doc - with the idea that local campus testers will do this work.


FG deliverable: List of accounts and roles / permissions needed.
  • Permissions: please make sure that the roles that you request have all the same permissions so that we don’t bump up against permissions problems in testing.



ILL broker with Alma decision page

Discuss vote delay



Joe is still waiting for some answers to questions submitted through Basecamp.





Harmonization work

Continue our discussion from last week and come up with loan periods to propose for fulfillment network/locally


All if there’s time










There are some questions around what other things this group might add to the parking lot. Expiration dates and whatnot.

Members can add to the parking lot issues that they feel need to be considered or tracked.




Parking Lot

DDS Decision Page

UCI DDS Demo with Fulfillment and ILL FG Aug 13th meeting



Feedback received on this:

An additional operation factor may be needed. (Item type)

There needs to be a smooth way to transfer a DDS request into a Borrowing ILL Request when necessary.












Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu