2020-12-03 IT-SC Meeting Notes

Date: Dec. 3, 2020

Expected Length: 9-10am

Location: Zoom (See calendar invitation or inquire with Chair for Zoom details)


  • @Turnbow (San Diego; co-chair)

  • @Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Brian David (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) (PM)

  • @Caitlin Nelson (SSM)

Not attending:


Prior to Meeting:



Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Check-in / Items to add to agenda? (recurring)




Review the previous action items:





PM update

Get caught up on PM stuff







Ex Libris report (recurring)




Report from Tuesday meeting ( and Notes) and ask any questions for Thursday

Updated list of alma and primo certifications

Previously Outstanding Spring Workshop questions:

  1. Dates for Primo VE workshop (pre-go live)

    1. Per Caitlin in Slack on 11/24: to be conducted prior to going Live. Professional Services is tentatively expecting this to occur in early June.

    2. Note though that we cannot plan a specific week right now - as (1) we need to know how the test load timing works and (2) then can determine the Cutover timing. The reason for having to know the Cutover timing is that we need to have the/an Alma and Primo VE environments available for this workshop (so cannot be locked down for Cutover work).

  2. Dates for Alma Analytics workshop (post-go live)

    1. Per Caitlin in Slack on 11/24: to be conducted after Go Live. Date still TBD but will occur prior to moving to Support (so most likely in Aug or Sept).

Outstanding Spring Workshop/Training questions (from 11/19 meeting):

  1. Will consortial resource sharing and consortial fulfillment be part of the standard workshop schedule?

  2. What would a Law library independent training look like (for Davis, and possibly others)?

    1. Affiliated libraries recommendations: https://libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu/groups/files/sils/docs/SILS_AffiliatedLibraries_recommendations_10232018.pdf

    2. Amendment 1: UCD Law:

      1. Summary of activities:
        • The migration scope is standard: only bibliographic, items, holdings, patrons, loans and fines data will be migrated.
        Migration of link resolver data, acquisitions data and ERM data is not supported when a library is added to a live
        Alma institution.
        • Law library data will be appended to the UCD Alma institution. Data deduplication is not supported.
        • Migrated data must be provided according to the following requirements:
        o Libraries and location codes, item barcodes, and patron IDs must be unique. Customer is responsible for
        adjustments that may be needed to ensure unique codes. For additional information see Combining Multiple
        Source Databases into One Alma Institution.

        • UCD Law will extract source ILS data according to Ex Libris specifications. For additional information see
        Millennium and Sierra (III) to Alma Data Delivery and Migration Guide.
        • UCD will adjust the existing Alma configuration including 3rd party integrations to support the Law library addition
        on the production environment. Ex Libris will provide guidance and support in this process.
        • Ex Libris will copy the UCD Alma production environment to an implementation environment where migration is
        • UCD Law data will be migrated to the implementation environment and will be tested by the customer.
        • Upon approval, UCD institution including Law data and configuration will be copied to the UC consortium
        UCD will work with the Law library staff to provide training in the local use of Alma and Primo.
        • Implementation activities and services will take place as an integrated part of the UC SILS systemwide Alma
        implementation project.

Future IT meeting conversation: what are your expectations for how long this group will continue work? How long are you available?

@Caitlin Nelson will follow up on consortial resource sharing question

Upcoming Events (recurring)

Know what’s coming up and assign work


Brian (and team)

Work Plan:

  • Migration Q&A 12/3

  • Week 4 trainings:

    • Complete trainings and post questions by 12/9

    • ExL Q&A: 12/14

Note: new alma campuses are working on creating their spring workshop schedules




New Meeting Time

Determine a new meeting and SC time?



Results of New Doodle Poll

  • Wednesday 12-1




Visioning Exercise

Review last week’s visioning exercise and prepare for this week



Visioning Notes

Spreadsheet with the ideas grouped/categorized

Fist of five, decide if doing items, prioritize (allow melee of everyone’s priorities to start)



Training Calendar




Final decision between two standalone options?



Agenda for IT

Get the agenda drafted and published for members and chairs to be updated



This week’s meeting:

Visioning Exercise - perhaps this should be our only agenda topic?




Parking Lot




  • What to do about future “one off” trainings like Primo Certification or Fullfillment network, etc?

    • who is in charge of inviting / logistics for special topics?

      • → PM question

Primo VE trainings

  • Need clarification about who attends which Primo training session

Alma / Primo VE Certification

  • Need to draft emails and pick dates

Spring Workshops

ExL is holding these weeks for us.

  • The workshops should begin on Mondays (corrected dates)

    • 4/19/2021

    • 4/26/2021

    • 5/10/2021

  • Primo VE workshop pre-go live (date TBD)

  • Analytics workshop post-go live (date TBD)

  • Possibility for CDL staff to attend UCSD training

Next step:

  1. Decide how to break out the 5 current Alma institutions

    1. Two workshops.

  2. Get clarity on the CDL / Network Zone proposal if needed:

    1. Discuss at future IT meeting

    2. intended audience - CDL staff / anyone working in the NZ.

      1. May need a registration process so we make sure we don’t overbook

      2. Consider giving priority to CDL staff Questions

        1. possibly slack channel

      3. What is the Zoom limit?

        1. UCOP = 300?

        2. UCLA = 500?







60 / 60 min





The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu