2021-1-21 IT-SC Meeting Notes

Date: Jan. 21, 2021

Expected Length: 9-10am

Location: Zoom (See calendar invitation or inquire with Chair for Zoom details)


  • @Turnbow (San Diego; co-chair)

  • @Brian David (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) (PM)

  • @Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

Not attending:

  • @Caitlin Nelson (SSM)

Prior to Meeting:



Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Check-in / Items to add to agenda? (recurring)




Review the previous action items:

PPC Approval of training materials - Do we need to draft another communication to the chairs so they know to send things to us now and not wait for PPC approval?




End User Outreach chairs meeting




EUO will be forming a subgroup to draft communication to campuses re:

  1. thinking about staff training in Primo VE

  2. Gathering documentation from campuses who are already on Primo

No decision reached on recommendation for when to have training on campuses

May be something to take to IT team as an idea of what kind of training campuses might want to have. Campuses can identify what makes sense to have on their campus and possibly work together on some trainings

  • i.e. What is a discovery system? What makes it different? Possibly in April




PM/Ex Libris Update (recurring)

  • Who will be UC person at each campus workshop to capture workshop questions that need a follow-up?

  • Re-send generic - alma with cover sheet.



Report from last Thursday () and Tuesday meetings () and ask any questions for Thursday

Questions for Ex Libris

  • Primo VE Workshop date outstanding

    • Rescheduling for May still TBD (checking in today 1/21)

  • Response to our workshop schedules

    • Schedule times are good (thanks for avoiding Mon/Thurs times)

    • Cover sheet from Remote - Alma is missing on Generic - Alma. Important to include because it has prerequisites, expectations, outcomes, and other details tied to the workshop.


  • If there are questions that can’t be answered during the workshops, how to get those answered? (What’s the best pathway to take so the questions don’t get lost?)

    • From the Expectations section from the agenda: “the project manager or designated library project member will record action items for later follow-up".

    • The EXL representative/workshop lead will provide our team some - but it's critical that you have a UCS representative capture action items. (IT reps will decide who will record actions.) As to how to share the notes and action items across all teams, I would advise using both your Confluence and Basecamp. I can set up a place with meeting notes for each of the workshops in the Project meeting Notes folder on Basecamp.

FYI/coming up:

  • Week of CDL/NZ workshop in May 10, the full week will be devoted to this workshop and the Monday and Thursday meetings will be canceled.

  • UC Alma/ Primo Google group (link in Slack)

Space for Thursday questions:


@Turnbow will add the coversheet to the generic alma agenda
@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) Find out what would be the steps in bringing an proposal for purchasing an system for the infohub if necessary
@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) who does branding approval go through (tuesday meeting?)

Upcoming Events (recurring)

Know what’s coming up and assign work


Brian (and team)

Updated Work Plan

  • 1/21 - Electronic Resources Q&A

  • 1/25 - SILS Town Hall Presentation

  • 1/29 - Primo VE Config training “due”

  • 2/5 - Config form due




SILS Town Hall Presentation





Are we sticking with “Infohub”?

  • Maybe we should check in with the group in charge of branding for the project

KR Ok to take the lead on presenting if others help with questions. Could you take a look at the script in the “notes” section on each slide to make sure what I’m saying is “approved”. Due to Adrian Friday at noon


@Turnbow & @Brian David (Unlicensed) will review the presentation

Updated Work Plan




Updated Work Plan

  • Note: We’ve said we want the infohub out by the first spring workshop, which means before the end of February. Subgroup hopes to decide on platform tomorrow. Probably should pick a new subgroup (perhaps larger) tomorrow to work on structuring and beginning to populate.

Spring Workshops: Need to put a plan in place re: below.

  • How to manage zoom links / recordings. Individually or centrally?

  • Management of questions during meeting

  • Process for following up on outstanding questions

Let’s put together a checklist for the IT team members for the workshops

  • attendees should have taken alma essentials trainings

  • Attendees can ask NZ questions

  • Post follow up questions to basecamp

@Brian David (Unlicensed) start google doc checklist
@Turnbow & @Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) will help fill in workshop checklist

Agenda for IT

Prepare agenda for this week’s meeting



Forming subgroups

  • Training Hub Platform - Brian - Dominique, Katie, Sylvia, Antoinette

    • KR: Once the platform is chosen, perhaps we should rechoose this subgroup for continued work since these four didn’t sign up for the larger task of updating / populating the platform. This could also potentially be multiple groups

  • Communication subgroup - Katie

  • Go-Live support subgroup

    • Save for later - April / May

  • Local training subgroup - Dominique

use friday’s meetings to update on work completed

one chair in each of the areas

remember that B+ members would not be required to join these subgroups




Parking Lot




Future IT meeting conversation: what are your expectations for how long this group will continue work? How long are you available?







60 / 60 min





The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu