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IT decides the agenda. The sessions should be spread over 4-5 days (but in the order of the sessions listed). Your team will need to review the agenda - and should spread the sessions over 4-5 days (but in the order of the sessions listed).
Reminder: do not schedule over weekly ExL project meetings on Mon 1-2p & Thurs 10a-12p during the workshop 8 weeks. Some meetings will be less relevant/more relevant to some staff.
For Primo VE configuration, questions could be covered in individual campuses. There are overview videos and trainings with a chapter on Primo VE configurations. Use SF case for configuration questions. There are also videos and documentation linked in Basecamp
2b. Can Ex Libris provide an example agenda with days/times
3. In letting our staff members to know which sessions they should attend, it would be helpful to have it split into topics that would benefit those that need to know just the general Primo VE basics and the other sessions grouped into those that will teach much more intricate details of Primo VE. Can Ex Libris help indicate the audience for each session?
[1/15 edit] Question for IT for agenda creation: Does IT envision the Primo VE workshop aimed more at staff working on configurations/workflows or for public service librarians?
4. The Discovery FG has indicated that a time in Early March close to when they'll be receiving the test load would likely be a more useful time for their team. Would Ex Libris recommend that time or the time closer to go-live? Can they provide the justification for what they recommend? Would a time slot in March even be an option for their schedule?
[1/15 edit] Answer - Still needs follow up: I’ve [ExL] requested our training and Implementation management for an annotated version of the workshop sessions based on your request above. Unfortunately March or April will not be a viable option on our end due to the EXL training team being booked with other workshops. We’ll review our availability and see what might be possible in May. Do note that this is typically a post-Go Live workshop - and is presented once attendees have experience with Primo VE.
New Primo trainings (2 videos, 17 mins total)
Recommended that all campuses complete this training by Feb 17:
KR: working on drafting these emails to go out. Possibility we can send out sooner rather than later if all campuses have to take it and it doesn’t correlate to the Alma trainings.
New changes to Alma Essential trainings
There will be more of a switch to end-to-end workflows rather than trainings on all of the current options in Alma. These new workflow trainings will be useful for the IT team for the latter half of the project. Global delivery and Training are working together on this (documentation, KB, etc.). More details to come.
KR question: Is this the new Alma Essentials that was just released? Or is this an additional change coming down the line?
Yes, this a new training for the future.
Future IT meeting conversation: what are your expectations for how long this group will continue work? How long are you available?
@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) follow up on answers for questions 3 & 4
@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) ask ExL: re spring workshops, would ExL want a list of questions in advance (for awareness)?
[1/15 edit] Answer: Ask questions during the sessions. No need to send questions in advance.
Possible not everything would need approval, or could be posted with a disclaimer. Mostly want to approve NZ trainings.
Some groups may have multiple versions of a workflow due to different campus policies. (Maybe an arguement in favor of having local training spaces in the infohub)
Consider drafting a best practices document
KR input: I think materials should go to PPC after we’ve reviewed and edited. Partially so they’re reviewing the final product, and partially to remove barriers to the FGs giving us things.
@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) check in with PMs re: PPC approval of training materials
KR: I started updating the new workplan but eventually just made a new one. Items updated/added to all the tabs will automatically populate in the “Master Task List” tab. That tab filters things well but isn’t sorting well and I can’t figure out why. It’s not the most granular thing ever, but I think it is enough for our purposes. Populating more deadlines could be useful. I still need to add a tab about local training
Training Hub Platform - Dominique, Katie, Sylvia, Antoinette
KR: Once the platform is chosen, perhaps we should rechoose this subgroup for continued work since these four didn’t sign up for the larger task of updating / populating the platform. This could also potentially be multiple groups
Communication subgroup
Go-Live support subgroup
use friday’s meetings to update on work completed
one chair in each of three areas
remember that B+ members would not be required to join these subgroups
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