2021-2-12 IT Meeting Notes

2021-2-12 IT Meeting Notes


Date: Feb. 12. 2021

Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom (See calendar invitation or inquire with Chair for Zoom details)


  • @Peter Soriano (Unlicensed) (Berkeley)

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) (San Francisco)

  • @Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) (Santa Cruz; co-chair)

  • @Brian David (Unlicensed) (CDL; co-chair)

  • @Sylvia Page (Unlicensed) (Los Angeles)

  • @Turnbow (San Diego; co-chair)

  • @Erika Quintana (Riverside) (Step B+)

  • @Bonnie Hain-Anderson (Unlicensed) (Davis)

  • @Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco (Unlicensed) (Merced) (Step B+)

  • @Antoinette Avila (Unlicensed) (Irvine) (Step B+)

  • @Catherine Busselen (UCSB) (Step B+)

Not attending:

  • @Caitlin Nelson (SSM)

  • @Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) (PM)



Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Consent to Record


2 min






Volunteering Availability (Standing Item)

Track who is available to volunteer to work on tasks outside of meeting over the next week.



Members please prepopulate with your availability.

  • BD - Thurs. PM

  • BH - Wed AM

  • EMT - Tues / Wed before noon; Fri after 2pm

  • PS - Tues 11-12, 3-5pm

  • SP: Thurs AM

  • CB - Tues-Thurs

  • JT - Tue, Thu 2-5pm




Upcoming Events (Standing Item)

Create awareness around upcoming tasks/events

3 mins


Updated Work Plan:




Announcements (Standing Item)


2 mins


Primo VE Workshop has been rescheduled for May 17th




Subgroup Round-up

Hear from each of the subgroups

10 mins


Infohub Update

  • Hopefully will have a draft infohub put together for next week

  • Name: Thinking of renaming “Training Documentation Hub” so that it’s clear that it’s only for materials related to training

  • Recognize that there is a need for a location for other useful information/links/etc, but we don’t want it to get wrapped into our work. Will be reaching out to other groups as appropriate to get this gap addressed

Communications Report






2 mins


The Working Group has asked individual campuses to ensure they are meeting their local accessibility requirements and suggests requesting accommodations. You may want to reach out to your campus accessibility team to find out how much time they need to provide accommodations such as an ASL interpreter or captioning.




Round Robin

Learn about what is happening on each campus and upcoming plans

45 mins

New to Alma Campuses

UC Merced

  1. Spring workshop invitations have been sent out

  2. Starting to think about local training. Small campus, with lots of staff already on SILS cohort. Our trainings tend to happen within departments rather than a more formal space because of size. Curious to hear what others have planned.

  3. Any support needed since you’re first on workshops?

    1. Everything seems to be set up. May not know what we’re missing if anything

  4. What groups have formed locally to support the SILS project?

    1. 11-12 local SILS team. Also have people involved in different subgroups (some overlap, not total). Also discussions within departments about preparing for SILS and providing input.

UC Berkeley

  1. Almost at the end of the process of identifying who the ‘trainers’ are. Feedback required by today. Workshop invitations will be going out on Tuesday. Will share the invitation with others. About 53 staff planning on attending workshop.

  2. Haven’t started talking about the local training process yet. That’s next on the list. Planning on working heavily with Fulfillment and letting tech services do their own thing

  3. Hard part is that we have more than 20 libraries, so a large number of staff are heavily involved with curbside pickup work and people’s plates are full.

  4. What additional information are you providing about how people can prepare for the spring workshop?

    1. Included training links in calendar invitations, on excel sheet on invitation

  5. What groups have formed locally to support the SILS project?

    1. Core groups (makes decisions) and input groups (provide input as needed). Goal was to have the core groups well trained, but hasn’t worked as well as hoped for.

UC San Francisco

  1. Locally formed groups:

    1. Entire implementation team is 11 people, 2 co-ICs and 2 co-leads. Group of 4 meets once a week, brings it to the rest of the team later in the week.

  2. Prepped workshop agenda on a local confluence page. Included a column for people to add questions in advance

    1. Asked people to think about workflows in advance of workshop

    2. Probably will have under 20 people in the workshops

  3. 58 library staff

UC Los Angeles

  1. Spring workshops

    1. Haven’t yet decided who is attending

  2. Have a local SILS steering team as well as local groups of some of the systemwide groups

  3. Around 300 staff at the library

  4. Working on putting together a local training team that will organize and deliver trainings/documentation

UC San Diego

  1. Local SILS Groups:

    1. FG/IC members have their own groups, but no meeting for everyone to discuss items in one place



Parking Lot from this meeting










60/60 min





Future agenda items

Review/signoff on final work plan being



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu