2022-09-13 AllChairs Meeting notes
Tom Bustos, Operations Team (co-chair)
Stacy McKenna, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair
Michelle Polchow, eResources Operations Subteam chair
Jesse Kruppa, Discovery Operations Subteam chair
Ernesto Mendez, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair
Alison Ray (CDL), Resource Sharing Operations Subteam chair
Liz Miraglia, Resource Management Operations Subteam chair
Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | (STANDING ITEM) Subteam Roundup | Check-in on OSTs - capture any shared issues or cross-team task | 5 | Team | Acq - meeting every other week, mostly waiting on CDL workflows to be developed. Current question on how communications will be working with Adriana gone - some recent inquiries about “subscribe to open” project were a bit haphazard and confusing for ultimate recipients. Not urgent, just making sure it’s on the radar. Ful - Team is still conducting AFN Consortial Block / Cash Limit Testing. We hope to summarize findings/recommendations by October / November. The team is also working on harmonizing AFN procedures such as handling damaged AFN items, self-service hold shelf discrepancies, and other scenarios. ERES - meeting every other week, sharing tips for UCOP stats gathering DISC - meeting every other week, drafting a proposal for an expertise based UX project team to support forward-thinking discovery projects while DISC continues to deal with backlog and reacting to Ex Libris updates and changes. RS - meeting as a whole group roughly weekly, subgroups meeting more often. Major (sub)projects: RM - Dealing with PSB reindexing. UCLA and UCSD are done indexing but still couldn’t access any users as of this morning. NZ is still in progress. ExL seems concerned by the user issue. (A shorter re-indexing job seems to be fixing the user thing right now?) |
2 | CDLNZ-PT Update | FYI for OST chairs | 10 | Team | Quarterly Update : CDLNZ-PT Quarterly Update: August 2022 QUESTION: Is it worth discussing a library Tech group again (LTAG)? → OT steering committee |
3 | CJK update |
| 10 | Hermine | There are still concerns about performance, especially in production. This goes on the ExL support agenda Monday 9/19 |
4 | ERES workplan | Understand statewide analytics reports and need for educational support | 10 | Michelle | Phase 4 transition item for this new group - we were hoping to get guidance from AllChairs: what reports are needed and what actually is this item? Maybe it’s best to wait on that item (or any other similar) for the Statewide Data Analyst or the Data team at CDL to call for more information. Also: OSTs are empowered to remove items if they don’t make sense or adjust as needed. |
5 | OST updates | Find out if folks want to do an official update via the questionnaire template |
| There’s been a big learning curve between OST kickoff and now, and significant turnover - a collective learning/assessment process sounds great. Not mandatory, but wanted back before the end of the year. |
| @Mallory Gianola Please make copies of the PT check in template for the OSTs as well. |
6 | Questions from Slack |
| 5 |
7 | STANDING - Work Plan Directory review |
| 5 | Team |
8 | ExL Support Call Questions for the next call (8/15) | ExLibris / UC Library Support call Monday, September 19th. Do you have any questions that would be appropriate for a consortial call with the North America Support Team? Specific Tickets that need to be addressed? | 10 | Tom/Team | feel free at any time to reach out to UC side of this team SILS SM (Caitlin), OT chair (Tom), OTvhcair (Jackie), NZ Admin (Gem SL)
9 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
10 |
| Total | 55/60 |
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