2022-11-8 AllChairs Meeting notes

2022-11-8 AllChairs Meeting notes


  • Tom Bustos, Operations Team (co-chair)

  • Stacy McKenna, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair

  • Michelle Polchow, eResources Operations Subteam chair

  • Jesse Kruppa, Discovery Operations Subteam chair

  • Ernesto Mendez, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair

  • Alison Ray (CDL), Resource Sharing Operations Subteam chair

  • Liz Miraglia, Resource Management Operations Subteam chair

Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Subteam Roundup

Check-in on OSTs - capture any shared issues or cross-team task



RS OST: We're going to do an experiment in reviewing the Alma releases & how much interest/benefit/testing to do with them; starting up some testing in the Alma sandboxes related to Tipasa integration. We don't anticipate it impacting other areas.

ACQ - notes on testing in to CDLNZPT for analysis. Next mtg will discuss ideas about Fund Management (incl Analytics).

RM: Getting back into our workplan, also looking at some ways to tailor Primo and maybe Alma with some “local” data that shows up from non-UC institutions.


  • FFRS Team concluded the AFN Consortial Block Testing. Next Steps: Summarize Results, share information with larger cohorts F OST, RS OST, and Operations team. Find out if EX Libris ticket needs to be opened or if only local configuration is needed at each campus.

  • AFN Protocols and Procedures: F OST needs the assistance from RS OST. RS OST will review the workload and once bandwidth is available, joint efforts will resume.

  • AFN Fines and Fees webpage information: harmonizing language that all UC’s can publish to direct customers on contacting each campus for AFN fines and fees.

Chairs will FYI about decision pages or policy pages in the #AllChairs slack before publishing.



Questions from Slack

FYI on anything quick that came up







CJK Update

FYI plus developing pathways



UC discovered last week that ExL had enabled a different setting (HK) than the one we asked for (KO). So that solved why Korean wasn’t doing what we thought it should.

  • HK is a custom solution developed by the HK consortium and no supported by ExL

  • Next steps: call a joint meeting b/w RM and EAS CKG about moving forward with HK setting or not.

  • We will NOT make the November re-index at this point: so do we ask for a special reindex or wait?




Show and Tell about DocHub

Get a good answer for Hermine (and everyone else)



Documentation question (Hermine in Slack): RM-OST has a decision page from Phase 4 (https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/NxsiwzZD ) that we refer to a lot, and now we'd like amend it. Would it make sense preserve the decision as is in its difficult-to-find archived space on Confluence and start a new policy page in the current SILS Service Documentation Hub?

  • The Documentation Hub divides the world into Workflows/Policies/Practices and Decisions: https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/7R7ZcvGs , and even though this was a decision at the time, it feels like it should be more of a policy now. Has there been much guidance on how to document stuff like this, that started in Phase 4 but continues to be tweaked?

The meeting was recorded at this point for FYI for folks to review.

Copy the referred/archived page to the new space, edit as needed (whether the OST feels it’s a decision or policy is up to them), and write “SUPERCEDES ___ {link}” at the top. Also submit a ticket to SILS Ops to edit the old archived one as well.



Shared Print request for SILS Gov guidance




  • Do you want to discuss this with SILS Gov do you think you need our permission? OR is this an FYI type-deal?

  • Do you already have stakeholders you’re working with?

  • How will the reasons be configured in Alma? Manual entry? Drop-down? How do we ensure consistent data entry? Is this a list built out at an NZ level?

  • As long as they are doing their due diligence feedback process with their stakeholders, All Chairs feels like we mostly care about making sure this is implemented smoothly and helping with that.

  • They can have a policy page in Confluence, but we don’t want to duplicate stuff…




STANDING - Work Plan Directory review




Work Plan Directory





ExL Support Call Questions for the next call (8/15)

ExLibris / UC Library Support call Monday, November 21st. Do you have any questions that would be appropriate for a consortial call with the North America Support Team?

Specific Tickets that need to be addressed?



feel free at any time to reach out to UC side of this team

SILS SM (Caitlin), OT chair (Tom), OTvhcair (Jackie), NZ Admin (Gem SL)





Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion
















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