2023-5-09 All Chairs Meeting notes
Tom Bustos, Operations Team (co-chair)
Stacy McKenna, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair
Michelle Polchow, eResources Operations Subteam chair
Jesse Kruppa, Discovery Operations Subteam chair
Ross Anastos, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair
Alison Ray (CDL), Resource Sharing Operations Subteam chair
Hermine Vermeij, Resource Management Operations Subteam vice chair (subbing for Liz Miraglia)
Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | (STANDING ITEM) Subteam Roundup | Check-in on OSTs - capture any shared issues or cross-team task | 5 | Team |
2 | Questions from Slack | FYI on anything quick that came up | 5 | Team |
3 | OT / LG updates |
| 5 | Tom |
4 | Alma CJK search implementation | Discuss next steps since the attempt at configuration was problematic. | 15 | Tom | The monthly ExLibris Support call is Monday, May 15. We will be discussing the issues surrounding the failed CJK configuration attempt and the system failures that ensued. |
5 | Alma / Primo VE software review | Get some direction from All Chairs | 15 | Caitlin | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vKbUFEW9H98cxZpl0337NTufeQlSVOewPgK5ougy6Fs/edit SILS Operations Center will be working on a “write-up” for Operations Team for editing and finalizing. |
6 | ExLibris Support Call update | Upcoming Support call items | 5 | Team | Any issues to bring up can be sent to Caitlin or Tom to be brought to the Support Call representatives. |
7 | Community Slack Proposal | Discussion in OT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14THVoCKawb-uS3axfFDTWphB1ZzVUZZluzBZNg5bC5A/edit#heading=h.cws0gu57ljh0 |
| Any questions about this? |
8 | STANDING - Work Plan Directory review |
| 5 | Team |
9 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
10 |
| Total | 55/60 |
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