2024-01-30 All Chairs Meeting notes
Jackie Gosselar, OT Chair
Tammy Guziejka, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair (
Laura Fouladi, AcqOST VC (guest)
Hermine Vermeij, Resource Management Operations Subteam chair (absent)
TJ Kao, RMOST Vice Chair
Ross Anastos, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair
Tamara Pilko, E-Resources Operations Subteam chair
Gem Stone-Logan, Discovery Operations Subteam chair (out)
Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative
Jason Newborn – Resource Sharing Subteam Chair
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | (STANDING ITEM) Subteam Roundup | Check-in on OSTs - capture any shared issues or cross-team task | 10 | Team | F: Disc:
ERES: RS: Doing a Peer institution zoom about an alternate way of integrating WSILL and Alma. Next week examining feedback on Tipasa document. Otherwise trundling on… Acq: | ||
2 | Questions from Slack | FYI on anything quick that came up | 5 | Team |
3 | OT / LG updates | Inform on salient issues from OT and LG | 5 | Jackie |
4 | Determine priorities |
| Caitlin |
| |
5 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
| Discussed beeves document. Caitlin will tag each issue with the theme. Caitlin will check with Jackie and Negotiation Team, then work with Adriana on a clean linked copy. |
6 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
7 |
| Total | x/x |
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