2024-03-25 Meeting Notes
@Mark Marrow (UC Berkeley)
@Tony Navarro (UC Davis) - absent
@Lai Arakawa (UC Irvine) - absent
@Sandra Farfan-Gracia (UC Los Angeles) - Vice-Chair - absent
@Ross Anastos (UC Merced) - Chair
@Sahra Klawitter (UC Riverside)
@Mogilner Chamberlin, Ingred (UC San Diego)
Member TBD (UC San Francisco)
@Lucely Chavez (UC Santa Barbara)
@Nicole Thomas (UC Santa Cruz)
@Alison Ray (CDL) (CDL)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions/notes | Actions | |
1 | General Check-In |
| 5 | All | from All-Chairs: we’re starting to discuss the next round of SILS Membership Transitions. Discussing vice chair training, a possible FAQ with “the basics”, and how OST’s can get new vice chairs. |
| TBD. Might be related (but separate) to the AFN Library Use only question below. |
2 | Review OST workplan | Use membership transition time (June/July) to review our workplan with “fresh” eyes including:
| xx | All |
Should we create an F OST Steering Committee to help filter topics to add future topics to the agenda/workplan? | Sandra and Sahra can help out on the workplan. Will push along as we get to it, perhaps have a draft completed by September to share with the OST.
3 | AFN Library Use Only | We've been having difficulty identifying RLF material that is library use only. I'm wondering if others are having similar experiences and how we can address it. |
| Sahra | This is an issue that everyone is having. Need a flag/book band/stamp to ID library use only items from RLF’s. Check in with RS OST and see if they want to create a subteam? 2/28/24 update - Jason (chair of RS OST) emailed me a few days after our meeting and brought this up. Apparently the RS group is also getting complaints and wanted to discuss a solution with us. Talk about timing. More to follow. | 3/18 - Jason responded that he has a few people who are interested in joining the subteam: Helena and Kristen (if Mark doesn’t volunteer to represent UCB). Also checked with RLFs and Ellen Dario and Jon Edmondson are also interested. Sabrina from UCR and Kristen from UCB brought it up again, so this has a lot of interest. Who from F OST would like to join?
| Ross will Check in with RS OST and see if they want to create a subteam? Sahra would be interested in participating.
4 | What is considered “damage” to an item? |
| xx |
| Task linked here. → Ross has not yet reached out to the RS OST, so perhaps this topic gets pushed into December/January? | Will discuss during next meeting | 10/23/23 - Ross to create joint F/RS subteam for review. Sahra volunteered. Might not have anything to discuss for 11/6 meeting. 2/26/24 - Ross has been busy and hasn’t had time to get back into this. Push pause for 1-2 meetings. |
5 | Modification of On Hold Shelf letter |
| xx | All | Modification of On Hold Shelf letter Still working on draft.
| 3/11/24 - Will generate decision page and then discuss implementation/roll out. |
6 | Ongoing letter “maintenance” |
| All? | Is there value in doing ongoing maintenance of letters; maybe quarterly? Make sure that each campus is sending consistent messaging. Related to the text that we word-smithed in the line above. |
| 3/11 - Will leave on agenda for a few meeting cycles and revisit after decision page for On Hold Shelf letter is finalized. |
7 | Ad hoc/open discussion |
| FYI - Ross out 4/8
| Sahra - is there benefit in reviewing our Library Fulfillment Directory to ensure information is up valid and accurate? How widespread is the directory being shared? Mark - how do we communicate this to others so they know this is a tool that exists? | Will add this this as an agenda item for a few meeting cycles to review the directory for validity and accuracy, and encourage each F OST member to share out the page with necessary stakeholders at each campus. |
8 | Fulfillment Work Plan | Ongoing review and update as needed. | xx | Ross | Housekeeping as needed? |
| 3/12/24 minor housekeeping to add the On Hold Shelf letter page. |
9 | Wrap up/Topics for next time |
| 5 | All | parking lot:
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