2022-02-23 meeting notes

2022-02-23 meeting notes

Date 02/23 at 11:00 am (45 mins)


  1. @David Eifler (Unlicensed)

  2. @Lynne E. Grigsby , co-chair

  3. @S.J. Koller (Unlicensed), co-chair

  4. @Anna Striker

  5. @Hermine Vermeij, out

  6. @Christine Barone (Unlicensed)

  7. @Jason Newborn

  8. @Judea D'Arnaud

Discussion items


Desired Outcome


Who to facilitate





Desired Outcome


Who to facilitate





Note taker: Barone






Continued discussion if what we have learned changes anything we were thinking

30 minutes

Lynne and Sage

  • Is there a foregone conclusion that how the RLFs are configured will go a particular way? Not necessarily. The position of the Systemwide Print Collection Management Strategy (SPCMS) argues for approach #2, but there would need to be a huge culture shift in the idea of stewardship with the SPCMS position. Their report will be one factor, but not the only factor.

  • SPCMS is going to recommend that anything that is in an RLF is a shared collection and belongs to the system, not a specific campus.

  • Multiple audiences. Possible options:

    • different surveys for different types of users (e.g., Access Services, IT, depositors, end-users)

    • One survey to rule them all and then parsed out by a point person to various groups/individuals.

    • Who are the best recipients?

    • How do we balance answers from large campuses v. small campuses




Next Steps




Sage will consolidate the ideas/areas to see what the buckets of questions are.

Everyone to review that document before our next meeting


@S.J. Koller (Unlicensed) will consolidate the ideas/areas into buckets and send to RCPT
Everyone to review that document by next meeting








Future agenda items


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