2021-03-08 meeting notes

2021-03-08 meeting notes




  1. @Cathy Martyniak (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  2. @David Eifler (Unlicensed)

  3. @S.J. Koller (Unlicensed)

  4. @Anna Striker

  5. @Linda Michelle Weinberger

  6. @Hermine Vermeij

Not attending

  1. @Lynne E. Grigsby , co-chair

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Note taker






How are we?

simple check in







How are the 4 survey drafting working groups going?

Review of progress on survey questions on sheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DY-DjPfzyX1Ek32AzaWQS20T-zgeAbJoHwk9Ym4vQyw/edit#gid=0



Survey Questions were reviewed.

Some Highlights are:


How do the different IZ choices impact your workflow?

Pain points question important to ask.

Asking respondents if there is anything else about the RLF workflow you would like us to know and the possibility of allowing RLF staff access to individual campus IZ’s are significant questions to ask.

What is the workflow going to be like to OCLC if there is a host IZ or an RLF IZ? Holdings records for serials may not be available in the depositing IZ and may have to go to the Network Zone.


Questions in Fulfillment tab are questions that need to be asked, Not any one group may be able to answer all questions at each campus, So each question was assigned an “audience” that it was felt could best answer that particular question. For example, CDL for questions about how the different RLF IZ scenarios would impact (positively, negatively or nominally) the functionality of the Automatic Fulfillment Network (AFN). Questions about RLF items impacting workflows could be asked of Circulation/ILL staff. More technical questions about TOU’s and technical aspects of RLF records could be asked of Circ managers or Tech Services staff.

Questions regarding pain points with RLF records and workflow again, need to be addressed.

There is overlap between Fulfillment and other groups (as there are in other sections here) and it is not easy to untangle the interconnectivity web of functionality to always know who to ask what.



There is a recognition of functional overlap in Discovery as well. Questions have also been earmarked for a specific audience.

Pain points for end users are essential to know.

How important to end users is it to know the depositing campus of RLF records?

Discovery and Fulfillment are two sides of the same coin.


All three groups also suggested the format each of their questions might take such as scale, multiple choice and/or text response.



The RLF tab has important questions for RLF staff members to be asked, Maybe some questions from the other tab groups can be spun to the RLF group and vice versa.

Would northern campuses be OK to have their deposits co mingled with other campus deposits ( for same title) on one holdings statement, assuming that original depositor would be noted somewhere.?

In the consortium, it would be highly beneficial if Alma can be used to develop sets of lists at the beginning of each fiscal year to help each UC determine what to send to the RLFs.

For example, here is a list of what you own that RLF already has deposited, and if you want you can discard it. Another helpful list would be here is what only one UC has that the RLFs do not own.

Can Alma Analytics be used to help improve the depositing workflow?


What form should the survey take?

Should each tab (Resource Management, Discovery, Fulfillment) go to the chairs of each of those SILS Functional Groups as originally conceived? And then distributed down by the FG chair to each campus for input.

Or because there is so much functional overlap do we collapse everything into one mega-survey? Then present it to the chairs and co-chairs of the three FG groups and let those six decide how best to handle the distribution of questions among their groups to each campus. (in this scenario, the questions in the RLF tab do not get collapsed into the mega survey)


The Co-chairs of the Fulfillment and ILL FG and RLF members are developing 5 questions to ask Ex Libris for a future meeting to discuss the Automatic Fulfillment Network (AFN) and RLF records and functionality. Cathy will let us know when meeting is announced.

Cathy asked RCTF to consider if they have any ‘blue sky’ questions (If you could have ANYTHING you wanted from an RLF, what would it be?) to ask in their current topical areas.

@Cathy Martyniak (Unlicensed) will review this meeting’s discussion about the survey with Lynne and together decide the next course of action on survey approach and potential distribution.

Special guest Alison Wohlers -CDL Shared Print manager

Review charge for next time at https://cdlib.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/0.FINALcharge_Working-Group-for-Systemwide-Collection-Strategy_2020.06.25.pdf  



Alison will be joining us nest time to discuss the impact .this might have. Members, please review the document indicated to the left before then.




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion





Special Guest

More review of survey questions











aFuture agenda items


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