Regrets: Lisa Mackinder, Nicole Arnold, Jared Campbell
Desired Outcome
Desired Outcome
Gather & Announcements
Assemble as a group and share info
Interim report sent to OT 8/1/2023
Received an acknowledgement that it was received
OT recently discussed our quarterly check-in document, including discussion of our ongoing group idea - while there is caution about expanding SILS groups, this new group represents a mechanism for people to collab on work already being done
Work plan goal discussion: Provide recommendations for models of work
Compile a list of questions from our documents & discussions; decide which questions our group can answer, and which an ongoing group could tackle; decide on recommendations to propose
Use existing channels: CDL Helpline, Ex Libris/ProQuest Support
If feasible, provide a replacement link. Don’t spend too much time trying to find a replacement.
Should we use links from the Wayback Machine? Yes, this is okay
Metadata maintenance: discussion of OCLC daily updates and how they are made from the NZ (SCP-AC previously discussed this)
506 field: How to get OA metadata into records so the OA icon shows in UCLS? What about hybrid resources? Easier to convey OA information in at the portfolio (link) level than bib level
Public access model in Alma’s Electronic Portfolio Editor Acquisitions tab
Link Maintenance: Reactive approach; Okay to use Internet Archive/Wayback Machine links; Use existing channels to report (Helpline, PQ Support)
Report back from SILS groups
Understand what other SILS groups and campuses are doing in relation to OA
E-Resources -
Discovery -
Resource Management -
Campus Updates -
Other (JSC, SCLG, CKGs, etc.) -
Wrap up & Homework
Review actions and decisions
Parking Lot
Capture important topics for future discussion
How to find items that are OA but have slipped thru the cracks, not being labeled OA?
Something coming from Discovery group
Another area is to rethink JSC and whether they want to continue approval role.
Considering ongoing maintenance of OA in Alma/Primo - who is responsible?
Because OA would be in the NZ, most maintenance requests would go through CDL Helpline - where in CDL would these requests go?
From CDL: With broken links, Helpline will route the issue to the CDL Acq staff, in some cases we may loop in SCP, to review what needs to be done in Alma.
For troubleshooting OA:
With collections like ROAD, DOAJ, or Free e-Journals, those are turned on in bulk with thousands of titles -- and the titles are not individually requested by users either. If we can’t immediately find a correct URL or the user doesn’t suggest one when reporting the issue, we will just deactivate the portfolio. In short, not a lot of time is spent trying to fix a problem with one of those types of collections. With a collection like this, the titles are all coming from individual publishers and it will more often be the case that there is a problem with a single title and not the full collection, such as a small OA website disappearing from the internet.
If there is a problem with an entire CZ-collection, we can report it to Ex Libris to resolve.
For OA collections maintained locally, SCP may batch update the URLs too.
Of course there are also OA materials that we pay to support. Generally speaking, those would be treated as if they are paid collections and we would work with the publisher to resolve any issues there.
Statistics/Resource Management as related to the workflow
Related to CZ Updates Task List: Consider a cleanup project to compile a list of open access collections in the IZ that are already activated in the NZ. Deactivate and delete those collections from the IZ. This would help with maintenance since we would not have to sift through redundant data if we decided to use the CZ updates task list.
Solving the missing OA links issue: determine what is within our scope:
From Becky: UCSD’s Serials Cataloging Group has the following info as to how UCSD is handling this. Please read the following especially the Content Corner Update:
“Are we doing anything with the Community Zone Updates Task List at the moment? When a portfolio is deleted from a community-managed CZ collection, the IZ copy of the portfolio is deactivated and unlinked from the CZ and becomes a "local" portfolio. We currently have no way of being notified of these changes except via targeted periodic sweeps. Using the CZ updates task list would give us a list of updates that directly affect our resources. Who would review the updates, how often, etc.? Who would take care of cleanup?”
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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