OARM-PT Charge
SILS Open Access Resource Management Project Team Charge
Approved by SILS OT 5/4/22
The SILS Open Access (OA) Resource Management Project Team is a two-year time-limited group focused on developing practices and policies around OA resource management within UC Library Search. This team will build upon findings and recommendations from the preceding OA Resource Management Task Force (OARMTF), and work toward harmonized policies and workflows that improve discovery of and access to the diversity of OA resources important to the UC community.
Charge and core deliverables
Following the OA Principles developed by the OARMTF, the OA Resource Management Project Team is charged to:
Develop policies and practices to ingest, monitor, and maintain OA resources that are added to UC Library Search (Alma/Primo VE) through the Ex Libris Central Discovery Index (CDI) records as well as the cataloging of records in Alma, and the loading of external records by other means (APIs, OAI-PMH, etc.); this will also include best practices regarding when activities should take place at the Network Zone level versus the local level
Determine workflows and best practices for all campuses to follow, as well as document and communicate those workflows and best practices. Advocate for enhancements/improvements to CDI OA resources to the SILS Operations Team, for inclusion in UC enhancement requests to Ex Libris
Develop methods of assessing impact of decisions made about OA resource management
Collaborate and consult with relevant stakeholder groups on OA resource management
Reporting line
The SILS OA Resource Management Project Team will report to the SILS Operations Team, which will provide guidance and serve as the escalation path as needed by the project team.
Related groups
The team will consult with, engage, share information and collaborate with other UC Libraries entities within and without the SILS UCLAS structure, primarily but not limited to:
SILS Resource Management OST
SILS Discovery OST
SILS eResources OST
SILS Operations Team
Other SILS teams as appropriate
Time commitment and expectations
The OA Resource Management Project Team is charged to carry out this work in a two-year time frame (April 2022 - April 2024), after which the team will evaluate how and where OA resource management should take place within SILS. The team will hold monthly or bi-monthly virtual meetings to carry out their charge, with additional ad-hoc meetings as needed. Members are expected to commit an additional 2-5 hours of work per month, outside of meetings.
Roster and required expertise/membership
The OA Resource Management Project Team is an expertise-based group, composed of individuals from specific SILS Operations Subteams as well as area experts, for a minimum of six members, including two members from CDL. Individuals may fill more than one of these roles/expertise, as long as all of the following are represented:
Two members from CDL
One CDL staff member with a broad understanding and perspective of CDL responsibilities and workflows, policies, etc, and able to provide an administrative overview across units
One SCP staff member
One member from each of the following SILS Operations Subteams:
Resource Management (CatMet)
Expertise in the following areas:
Shared collections
Transformative agreements
Scholarly communication, public services
Open Access and/or Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives
E-resource management, linking
Discovery, CDI
The project team’s chair will be selected by the membership.
Proposed Roster:
Lisa Mackinder, CDL
Rebecca Culbertson, CDL
Jared Campbell, UC Davis
Nicole Arnold, UC Irvine
Erica Zhang, UCLA
Carla Arbagey, UC Riverside
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