2020-05-07 Meeting notes

2020-05-07 Meeting notes


  • Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez, UC Berkeley

  • Xiaoli Li, UC Davis

  • John Philip Renaud, UC Irvine (note taker)

  • John Riemer, UCLA

  • Jim Dooley, UC Merced

  • Tiffany Moxham, UC Riverside

  • Roxanne Peck, UC San Diego

  • Haley Mcewan, UC San Francisco

  • Lidia Uziel, UC Santa Barbara

  • Marcia Barrett, UC Santa Cruz

  • Holly Eggleston, California Digital Library

Not attending

Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Update and checkin

Discuss questions and upcoming milestones



*Verify that team understands: The RLFs will not have a separate ALMA instance but will be part of Berkeley & UCLA? A: Yes, this is correct for Go Live. The RLF SILS Planning Group may recommend that a separate IZ be purchased/implemented after Go Live. It is not possible to add this now and make our Go Live date.

How will the RLFs work in the shared Alma/Primo environments?

Will there be a location code for NRLF/SRLF?

Faculty are already asking how RLF holdings will display in Discovery. The new software for RLFs will be in place before Go Live. It can offer a union listing

Is there any consideration of having public access to the RLF software union list?

Marcia will take these questions to the SILS Regional Facilities Planning Group.

Data Cleanup Group is writing specific system data recommendations for the different libraries not already on ALMA.

Policy and Practice Committee, chaired by Xiaoli, has been focusing on team charter. This week, they have 4 major questions to address. They will be referred to functional groups first, then the questions will return to PPC group. They are relevant to Vanguard group, but we can view on their web pages.

Question: Can we do a masked SFX link in the catalog, rather than a publisher link, across the system.

Answer: Alma has the potential to address, but it might be tricky. Duplicate record creation may be an issue. If CDL and SCP need help, the ALMA campuses have experience that they will be happy to share. Better not to use bibliographic records to manage e-resources.

Question: Has their been discussion about using ALMA link resolver versus SFX?

Answer: SFX will not likely be used, everything will be in ALMA. It would be problematic in many ways to continue to use SFX.

Currently, we do not know the implementation scenario as we are going to rely on the Vanguard experiences. We are still in the onboarding phase.

Acq and e-resources group is determining what they will need to know about the system in order to make the best decisions.

Ex Libris has not yet assigned a project consultant for UC yet. When real implementation starts in June, we will have a dedicated implementation consultant. Then we can do a deeper dive to determine the best way forward.

For Vanguard Implementation, the question is, what should be the sequence of loading the records into the network Zone.

Another question related to Access Services is whether patron records should be in the local zone or the network zone.

Question: How will onboarding work and how accessible will that group be?

Answer: that is not fully determined yet.

Info: Plan is for 1 chair to regularly to attend each meeting; Ex Libris does not want talk to big mob of people; implementation team at Ex Libris may not be accessible to us. Access will primarily through the Implementation Coordinators Group. May not be representative by campus.

Info: Campuses will have training if they want it.

Training will be a major issue. Campuses will need to know their options.

Q: When records are in Network Zone, can they make a connection to the OCLC WorldCat Master record? Which ways do the data flow?

A: Not aware of a connection with OCLC Master record, but could do batch update manually. There may be a service that does this, whether or not it is free.


@Marcia Barrett will take questions NLRF and SLRF to SRPG.


@Xiaoli Li will follow up with PPC with questions in regards to access to the Ex Libris implementation group and will take to Implementation Coordinators if necessary.


@Xiaoli Li will route question to Ex Libris in regards to connecting automatically a record in networked zone to the OCLC Master record.

Team Charter work

 Finalize objective, roles, and expectations



Review Team Charter

  1. Must choose one phrase to state our objective. We can revise later. Which one of the 4 do we like?

2. Roles

3. Communication



4. Co-chairs for group is needed. Co-chairs will work together. Volunteers are welcome.


5. Can folks accept the terms under which we will work as a group & how we make decisions?

  1. #4 was selected; edited to begin with achieve the one University, dropping “we help”

2. Person who proposes agenda item will facilitate the agenda item.

3. Will be routed through PPC; a subgroup is not needed. All group decisions will be recorded in this page. Each individual group does not need a communication plan.



5. Was accepted with the additional suggested norm.


folks are asked to volunteer by next meeting if willing to co-chair. Please contact Xiaoli stating yes, no, or maybe in terms of interest before next meeting.






Visioning Discussion

From Temp survey, Alma docs, etc. what do we see as outcomes for technical services



From PPC: “What is your vision for your Area?”

Not immediately jumping to HOW - before we go there, we need to figure out what, why, and why now?










@Xiaoli Li will send email with lists of training links.

Parking lot















Future agenda items


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