2020-10-15 Meeting notes

2020-10-15 Meeting notes


  • Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez, UC Berkeley

  • Xiaoli Li, UC Davis

  • John Philip Renaud, UC Irvine

  • John Riemer, UCLA

  • Jim Dooley, UC Merced

  • Tiffany Moxham, UC Riverside

  • Aislinn Sotelo, UC San Diego

  • Lidia Uziel, UC Santa Barbara

  • Sarah Lindsey, UC Santa Cruz (note taker)

  • Holly Eggleston, California Digital Library

Not attending: Haley Mcewan, UC San Francisco

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Update and checking

Discuss questions and upcoming milestones

10 mins


Aislinn joining the group.




Marcive records

Do we want to buy the backfile?

Do we want a UC subscription?

20 mins


Cost estimate for the backfile:https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1iTetyMKWhymNEhml4D94Dr29Sn3acNKc

UC subscription cost:https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1iTetyMKWhymNEhml4D94Dr29Sn3acNKc

The intention with the backfile is to avoid loading legacy records in the Network Zone. The cost is based on a $.25 cost per record.

After a discussion about the pros and cons of developing our own backfile the group voted and approved the idea of going ahead with purchasing the backfile.

The group discussed the difference between option 1. composite print and e-records with e-resources attached vs. option 2. only electronic records. Xiaoli will find out more about these two options.




RLF records

Discuss if campuses should suppress their RLF records

5 mins


Vanguard local RLF bibliographic record migration:


Phase 5?

Display examples:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zv3956CuEKIS6o7AivcZg7J1ETDDe4v2IIJvGNn6nqM/edit

Resource Management FG is still working on this decision.




Open Access

Brainstorm ideas of how OA resources should be handled in SILS

10 mins


There was some discussion about using CDI (Primo Central Discovery Index) to manage OA resources, i.e. only activate CDI for Primo discovery and not add bibliographic records to Alma. There are a lot of good reasons to consider it but it raises a lot of questions, like:

Is CDI good enough for OA, should it managed at NZ and by who?

Who needs to be involved in testing it out and decision-making?

Does SCP (or any campus) need to continue to catalog OA resources?

Should anyone migrate existing OA bib records?

How do the UC commitments to OA resources align with using CDI for discovery?

PPC determined that they could not make the decision themselves. The public service escalation group is also not able to answer this question on their own. The discussion covers this idea that there are CDL managed and CDL non-managed OA resources.

Xiaoli and John Riemer will say that this decision is separate from migration.




UC Discovery

Discuss questions and concerns regarding the need for a UC-wide Primo

5 mins

John Riemer

There are different versions of Primo, instead of a single, consortium-wide version that all of us will be looking at: Primo VE Instances (Test Load)

Discovery FG is reviewing whether or not a public view of a UC-wide Primo is necessary: https://uclibraries.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01UCS_NETWORK:UCS_UNION&lang=en.

Do you have any questions or concerns about either way?

Xiaoli suggests have it for CDL staff to use behind the scenes.




Authority control

Discuss questions and ideas about authority control in Alma

5 mins

John Riemer

A meeting recently about "authorities" with ExL staff revealed that Alma has no effective way to get headings changed in word processor mode. There are a lot of headings with a name portion followed by a $t Title portion or subject subdivisions in $x,y,z, as well as corporate body main headings followed by various subunits in $b.   For those, there is a real need to instruct the system to please change the portion of the heading that reads X to Y, regardless of what additional text string follows that.  Add-on software in some existing systems allows that. ExL just said we should consider making an enhancement request for the future.

Proposed coping strategy:

  • identify sets of records in Alma that we wish to operate on 

  • collect the OCLC#s involved, and go to WorldCat to grab the right records

  • operate on the records in MarcEdit or in the WorldCat Metadata API

  • [a variation on the above might be extracting data from Alma for MarcEdit manipulation]

Moved to next meeting.











Parking lot




ETD issues:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybrtfRg-a9KbdpwmevZmyGAr3Oy4K0Nu2zc5raEtBcE/edit























Future agenda items


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