2022-03-09 Meeting Notes
Notetaker rotation: Boehlert, Horning, Jaffe, Kim, Montoya, Rissmeyer, Shiroma
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Action item review, including updates from folks with completed action items |
| 10 mins | Madelynn / All | Analytics: Krystal has begun to look into Alma Analytics and linked some documentation in Slack. The documentation for Digital Usage and Digital Inventory look especially promising: Digital Usage Question raised around what ExL means by digital objects: those objects that ‘live’ in the module we don’t have, or digital objects in the sense we mean. Also don’t know if collection records would be considered digital objects. Decision Tree: Madelynn connected with Discovery about the Decision Tree; definitely more room for discussion. Updated Charge: Madelynn connected with Operations re: our updated charge and will meet with them next Tuesday. Sandbox: Gabriela and Christine met and dug into the sandbox. Created new spreadsheet to track digital collections to be used in testing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BMNSa6MEZYIwf-cUZGehaYwbTblz47CXMpLhxoLLbeY/edit?usp=sharing | Sandbox testing: @Krystal Boehlert (Deactivated) @Madelynn Dickerson (Unlicensed) @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed) @Rachel Jaffe @Christine Kim (Unlicensed) @Gabriela Montoya (Unlicensed) @Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (Unlicensed) @Jerrold Shiroma (Unlicensed) Need to indicate in OK to test? column on spreadsheet which collections to include in testing. @Christine Kim (Unlicensed) @Gabriela Montoya (Unlicensed) Will reach out to campuses not represented on DCPT (UCD) to confirm whether or not to include their content in test. | |
2 | Continue work towards finalizing draft workplan | Main goals -
| 30 mins | Madelynn /All | @Madelynn Dickerson (Unlicensed) will share draft workplan with Operations Team. Question for Operations Team: What will become of digital collections-related work or who will pick up digital collections work after this team is discharged? Decision to keep workplan as a table for now. |
3 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
4 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
5 |
| Total | 45/50 |
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