2022-05-25 Meeting Notes

2022-05-25 Meeting Notes


  • @Christine Kim (Unlicensed)

  • @Rachel Jaffe

  • @Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (Unlicensed)

  • @Jerrold Shiroma (Unlicensed)

  • @Gabriela Montoya (Unlicensed)

  • @Krystal Boehlert (Deactivated)

  • Note - Madelynn is out today. Christine will be the facilitator (thank you!)

    Notetaker rotation: Boehlert, Horning, Jaffe, Kim, Montoya, Rissmeyer, Shiroma



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Survey or no survey?

Finalize plans to send out Visibility Pre-Assessment Questionnaire

Decide to either:

A) distribute questionnaire with the intention of incorporating feedback into final report, OR

B ) include plan to distribute as a recommendation in the final report, plus the questionnaire as an appendix


Christine / All

We are approaching the end of our allocated time. Should be distribute the questionnaire ourselves or include distribution in the recommendation? General consensus is that we do not have time to administer the survey or analyze the results during the timeframe.

We are going to go with Plan B.

@Krystal Boehlert (Deactivated) & @Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (Unlicensed) to transfer the form into a Google form (create it in the SILS shared drive). Confirm that ownership/permissions will support administration by another group.


Work Plan Temperature Check

We have been doing round robins on the workplan for a few weeks now. Is there anything left we feel is important to do?

Reflect on what we’ve accomplished and confirm we are ready to move into the report-writing stage


Christine / All

Decision tree:
Outstanding questions about how to wrap up decision tree and companion document. Received feedback from current discovery group and discussed that feedback, but did not decide how best to incorporate that feedback. There were some questions (especially some nuanced ones related to Alma) that might require that we dig into further.

Could we synthesize the feedback received and incorporate that feedback into the report? We may not have the time to give it the attention it needs. There will likely be more questions and feedback as campuses begin actually using the decision tree. This could be part of the recommendation that there be a mechanism for this feedback to be collected and used for future iterations of that document.

We may also want to address maintenance of the decision tree over time. Our recommendation could be that either campuses use this as a starting point and refine for their local needs OR that a group be given formal responsibility for updating/maintaining the document. (Unless this group has strong feelings that it should be handled in a particular way.)

Workflow assessment:

No significant work completed since last meeting. Summary of work that was done for report, including initial observations of the current process. For report, we should recommend that there be an venue to discuss context (e.g., around loss of context in aggregated archival collections), and track other issues has they come up.

This was not assigned to anyone to work on. No one has worked on benefits and risks section. Documentation about how to do ingests via OAI-PMH is in the Google Drive and ready to go. That should be included in the report, along with any other documentation that this ready. We may also want to include a list of other documentation that may support digital collections in UC Library Search.

Benefits and risks (Is it the best fit? Collection vs. item-level access? Records in Alma vs. Primo? etc.) is the important conversation that needs to be continue. Does the assumption that digital collections content should be contributed to UC Library Search be challenged? But it will be difficult to have this conversation until there is actual content in UC Library Search that people can engage with. What venue should that conversation be in? Some campuses may be engaging with this already at the local level.

Is this discussion of benefits and risks a good way to wrap up the report? We could list top several benefits and risks. We could clearly state that we haven’t come to a conclusion because of the lack content to engage with.

Grammatical updates will be made now to decision tree. However, the rest of the feedback we received will be synthesized for the final report.

Recommendation in final report: we either recommend that a group takes ownership of the decision tree, and adapt based on feedback; or circulate this decision tree as a resource folks can consult, and adaptable to their needs.

Benefits/risk discussion as final report conclusion

@Rachel Jaffe to fix typos in decision tree


Final Report Assignments

As we prepare to complete our final report, we need volunteers to start drafting up sections of the report

Have a list of assignments for DCPT members. Plan to have lightly sketched drafts of assigned sections to discuss at next meeting.


Christine / All

We assigned sections for final report writing.


DCPT (@Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (Unlicensed) @Christine Kim (Unlicensed) @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed) @Gabriela Montoya (Unlicensed) @Jerrold Shiroma (Unlicensed) @Krystal Boehlert (Deactivated) @Madelynn Dickerson (Unlicensed) @Rachel Jaffe): to work on final report


Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion















The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu