2020-06-02 EUOS + Communication Operations Leads

2020-06-02 EUOS + Communication Operations Leads


@Stacy Brinkman (Unlicensed)

@Melanie Ramiro (Unlicensed)

@Adrian Petrisor

@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed)

Meeting minutes


Notes, decisions and action items


Notes, decisions and action items

Charge/deliverable clarification of both teams.

CO Leads capturing internal communications

EUOS captures communications to end users (see Comm Matrix)

  • FAQ and Help pages for end users

    • Open question: How is content vetted?

    • Platforms for delivery - project wide or local

    • Platforms for submitting questions

    • Might be maintained by another operations team after launch (not implementation team)?

Update each other on what we have been doing so far

CO Leads


Develop norms or channels of communication between our two groups moving forward

Monthly meetings

EUOS should be aware of FAQ’s from internal users - may help with creating end user FAQs





For reference, here are our two charge/deliverable statements.

The EUOS will manage and support the ways in which the libraries coordinate outreach to our varied patron populations. In this capacity, the subgroup will:

  • Determine end user (e.g. faculty, students) outreach needs;

  • Design and implement a communications timeline and identify (and notify) the responsible parties for communicating to end users;

  • Design and share a public relations campaign, with templates and reusable outreach objects;

  • Harmonize Primo VE help pages for a UC audience;

  • Create a shared FAQ or similar document to respond to end-user questions;

  • Create a clearinghouse of campus outreach and end-user training materials (e.g., LibGuides, learning objects).

The Communication Leads are charged with overseeing effective and timely systemwide internal communications and building internal SILS-awareness. In service of this, the Communication Leads will:

  • Develop and manage the phase 4 systemwide communication plan (including an editorial calendar) in consultation with the project co-managers, SILS Working Group and the coordinator groups for the three work areas (implementation, policy & practice, and training & outreach);

  • Build a stakeholder inventory and communication objectives (see Phase 2-3 stakeholder inventory );

  • Develop a communication diagram that documents the flow of information within the project’s governance structure (team-based and systemwide) and carry out continuous assessment and subsequent revisions to the master communications workflow throughout phase 4;

  • Consolidate and build out the project’s online presence for communicating project information to the UC Libraries employee community ( priority );

  • Manage systemwide communication mechanisms, such as SILS-News, Ask-SILS and additional mechanisms that the Communication Leads pursue, including existing systemwide communication mechanisms (e.g., Users Council and Direction and Oversight Committee (DOC) sponsored webinars).

The Communication Leads will collaborate with the Project Manager Operation Leads (PM Leads) around communications and web content that share key project information. In an advisory capacity, the Communication Leads are also available to consult with SILS groups on their specific communications, templates and documents

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu