2020-10-5 Meeting notes

2020-10-5 Meeting notes


Oct 5, 2020

Zoom: Please see invitation via email

Recording of meeting: https://uci.zoom.us/rec/share/rKF-5cKaC7HGx1GtjbEgw4gy-A3yZnFJW41TbnRbybd9tGcQfkryrk_0LF2UsD2e.v_rdO_wPM41azVg1


@Stacy Brinkman (Unlicensed)

@Timothy Chu (Unlicensed)

@Susan Chesley Perry (Unlicensed)

@Melanie Ramiro (Unlicensed)

@Olivia Olivares (Unlicensed)

@Melinda Livas (Unlicensed)

@Rebecca Greer (Unlicensed)

@Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

@Corliss Lee (Unlicensed)

Not attending

@Courtney Hoffner (Unlicensed)

Future agenda items

Discussion items

Item + supporting documents

Time (in mins)



Action items

Item + supporting documents

Time (in mins)



Action items





Discussion around timeline and the work of Discovery FG (see documentation). Discovery FG has a timeline in their workflow document.

There is another timeline for communications, based on our campus quarters/semesters. Because faculty and students will not be around when SILS goes live, it is important to work backwards from the end of the spring quarter/semester for communications to end users. Agreement that initial communications should begin in January 2021 (6 months prior to go-live, but 4 months prior to end of semesters) so that end users have ample opportunities to learn about the upcoming change.



Scenario Activity



Questions/Discussion from group

Looked at this in passing - general agreement that scenario 4 is least preferable

Other consortia don’t necessarily have the problem that their end users already had a named system already (like “Melvyl”)… so the UC context is a little different



Draft of new decision page



Questions/Discussion from group

First look at document, discussed time frame, discussed possible groups that could name the tool or system.

Read over and comment on the EUOS product name document- be ready to vote at the start of next meeting


Items to put in parking lot for next time



Fist of five vote on product name document

Discuss Tasks for EUOS October-December 2020

Read over the Tasks for EUOS October-December 2020 document 


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu