2020-12-4 EUOS-SC

2020-12-4 EUOS-SC


Dec 4, 2020

Zoom: Please see invitation via email


@Melanie Ramiro (Unlicensed)

@Stacy Brinkman (Unlicensed)

@Caitlin Nelson

@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) , PM

Not attending


Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome

Time (in mins)




Action items


Desired Outcome

Time (in mins)




Action items


Check-in / Any new items that has come up over the week








New PM update

Align tasks and expectations



  1. PM makes a copy of the SC and next regular meeting agendas before the SC meeting.

  2. EUOS it might be worth in the new year revisiting roles in the team charter - it’s fallen off and might be good to re-delegate.

  3. Does the PM attend the EUOS meetings? Neil never came, so it’s not suddenly necessary. It could be an as-needed request.

  4. It would be helpful for the steering committee meetings to bring back any updates from other PM-group level things, about project-level stuff.

    1. → Add a recurring item to the agenda about PM updates / SILS project update.




Internal Communications

FYI to SSM and PMs



Stacy: my UL asked a question of me: UCI has faculty housing area and she lives there, bunch of other faculty live there… One of her faculty approached her about “what is this I’m hearing about Melvyl going away?” → there’s already something out there.

We haven’t had an internal UCI non-SILS library staff communication plan. Well who’s in charge of that. Internal communication is not EUOS and not ComLeads.

They need to know what they can and cannot say to end users. Need a party line / talking points doc for all library staff for talking to end users. e.g. UL wants to know when they can make an announcement to Academic Senate.

EUOS+ComLeads have a plan to put something together - could overlap with internal training? Not really.

Leads into EUNS and external communication plan. But we need to inform library staff (internal communications) also about when this page goes live → internal plan that’s one+ steps ahead of the external communication plan.


@Caitlin Nelson get internal communications on the ComLeads Tuesday agenda. Work with Ben.





Working meeting today to create proposal for feedback next week.

Why not call it the “Shared Integrated Library System” - this allows us to punt.

If we call it SILS now, EUOS does not recommend another re-branding during this first year. Another re-branding attempt should be a separate project.

The most contentious it will be is right now - once you have a name, people will just start using it.












Graphic Designer








Other updates








Next meeting




Bring up internal communications to main EUOS meeting.




Parking Lot









The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu