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Any topics or questions that should be addressed at the next monthly Ex Libris Support Meeting?
17 mins
Made it known to ExL that we would like everyone in OT to have consortial account access so we can see each other’s tickets
Waiting to hear back about this, but expressed our wishes
There will be a training and introduction session on this role
After Alon gets in touch with the person who will be handling this training (Esther), OT-SC might have everyone join them on Sept. 28 to do some training on consortial account use
Hopefully everyone can attend, but if not the group will record the training session and make it available to folks
Tom thinks this is the time that the training will happen, but hasn’t been confirmed by ExL yet
There is a possibility that the training will have to happen at our normal meeting time, but we won’t know that until Alon gets in touch with Esther; more info to come
CJK indexing issue
Asked ExL to provide us with documentation about how long it took in the previous reindexing, so we have a benchmark we can look at, and so we know what to expect if we decide to do the CJK reindexing
ExL is fully confident that there shouldn’t be an issue
We should probably hold-off until we have the documentation, so we know what to expect
Next annual reindexing is in November; recommendation was maybe we allow the CJK change, so we can do the normal reindexing in November
Perhaps we implement the CJK change towards the end of October, and do the normal reindexing in November
What does everyone think of this?
This would be to include more of the characters, but still wouldn’t be able to have Cyrillic; progress, but not everything that we want
Concern about taking down user records; this hasn’t happened with reindexing before and is likely because the test happened in the sandbox
But we don’t know the full impact of the user records going down if the reindexing were to cause that
We have already gone through 2 reindexing instances, and this hasn’t happened
The reindexing will be the same; the other symptoms that we saw was because there wasn’t enough resources in the premium sandbox
This makes sense; and we shouldn’t see this issue
ExL did say that adding the language reindex is an additional parameter in the scheduled reindexing
As part of Ex Libris' Support Response and Time to Resolve Initiative (Project Flash): they will be following up on a number of backlogged cases
Many will have status or ownership changes as part of this initiative
Goal is to be more responsive, and part of that is getting rid of their backlog
Deprecation of two statuses: “pending workplan” (this means super low development priority, with two years to appeal) - ExL will close these now
And “pending product review” - ExL hasn’t been using it in our region
If a ticket of yours gets closed, and you need to keep it documented, comment on the ticket to ask that it is cloned
Goal is to have things not linger in development
Might not get immediate answers, but at least there will be communication
Tom recommends that folks respond with “I’m still looking into it,” to ensure our tickets aren’t closed while we’re waiting to test something or further look into something
Some cases that were in pending development, or some other languishing status, will not be under individual analysts
Instead will be part of a larger queue to be addressed
ExL also talked about not having their tier 2 analysts going down rabbit holes as much
ExL said this is starting to happen now-ish
Spreadsheet is there for everyone to look at; no immediate action item, but something to be aware of and keep an eye on
If there is something you would want to reach out to ExL about, feel free
Project Team and Working Groups Check-In - September 2022
Discuss Project Teams and Working Groups Check-In Responses
We need to find out more about where the misunderstanding is occurring regarding the scope of this group
Something OT might need to reach out to them and find out what misunderstanding is happening; might need to do some expectation setting
OT Member knows someone on this group from their home campus, and they’re hoping there will be an outcome of creating this document; looking for help
We should ask them to be more specific and provide more clarity, so we can help them better
Seems like this group is feeling overloaded, and needs our help
Understanding which ExL tickets belong to this group, would help with OT-SC bringing up the tickets in the regular support meetings with ExL
We can take back to this group that the LG is looking into creating a small group/project team to look into analytics
LG is on top of the communication concern - will be directly addressed at the upcoming Town Hall
We as OT can go back to our local campuses and encourage folks to join this upcoming Townhall
Part of what this group is highlighting is that there are people on campuses who aren’t a part of SILS, and not having these key people in the SILS meetings makes it difficult
Especially with what this group is working on
It’s hard to pull non-SILS people in; this is a barrier for SILS success and it’s something that SILS needs to work on
i.e. CKGs working in a whole separate bubble
Best thing that OT can do is:
Encourage the people who do know how the communication should go, to keep spreading the word
Not sure how to best get this communication information out on the larger campuses
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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