2022-01-19 Meeting notes

2022-01-19 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Sarah Lindsey

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Neil Weingarten

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12sTwfFKSNEpZY1aYYYFjztoVOr6n07XJ?usp=sharing



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Welcome, Announce Chair & Vice Chair


5 mins

Tom Bustos

Tom has been elected as chair and Jackie has been elected as vice chair


Work Handoff Phase 1

  • Identify which handoff tasks in the Work Handoff spreadsheet have a direct correlation with current sub-ops teams

  • Draft a proposal to the Leadership Group to suggest the identified handoff tasks are assigned to the identified sub-ops teams

  • Discuss the handoff task related to ensuring all Alma accounts holders have signed the Data Privacy Agreement retrospectively

50 mins

Tom Bustos

Working Group/Steering tab:

  • Hand off tasks as indicated on the spreadsheet

TSELG tab:

  • Row 3: E-Resources Operations Subteam

  • Row 5: Digital Collections Project Team

ICs tab:

  • Data Privacy: campuses are mostly done with signing, some few stragglers with good reason for not signing yet (covid stuff, etc.). Still have a question about maintenance of the form - how long does the form go on? Do we remove folx from the list?

Patron Data tab:

  • Row 2: SILS Fulfillment & Intercampus Resource Sharing Operations Subteams

  • Row 3: SILS Fulfillment Operations Subteam

  • Row 4: SILS Fulfillment Operations Subteam

ILSDC tab:

  • Hand off this entire tab to Resource Management: Cataloging & Metadata Operations Subteam and ask that they let us know if any tasks should be handed off to another group

CDLdataNZ PPC subgroup tab:

  • All of the work on this tab should be handled by folx at CDL (Head of SCP and Head of Acquisitions), and since there are CDL representatives on the subteams, they can address issues within their subteams on an ad-hoc basis.

AEFG tab:

  • Hand off this entire tab to the Acquisitions Team, and they can reassign specific tasks to other teams as needed

DCFG tab:

  • Hand off this entire tab to the SILS Digital Collections Project Team

Discovery tab:

  • Hand off entire tab to the Discovery Operations Subteam

FFFG tab:

  • Hand off tasks as indicated on the spreadsheet

RMFG tab:

  • Row 3: Suggestion - Recommend to LG that a new project team be formed to figure out RLF deposits; Or, recommend to handoff to RLF Group???? TBContinued at next meeting

Discuss remaining tabs at next meeting, starting with RMFG tab


@Caitlin Nelson will double-check with the data privacy group about maintenance question and whether the email to DPST will suffice to “finish” the task.

Monthly support call with Ex Libris

  • Confirm that Tom and Jackie will join the monthly support call with Ex Libris

  • Review the agenda for high priority items to discuss with the ExLibris team

3 mins

Tom Bustos & Caitlin Nelson

  • Confirmed Tom and Jackie will join the monthly support call with Ex Libris

    • Caitlin will send the invite to Tom and Jackie, and reschedule future calls if needed

    • This month’s meeting falls on Jan 24th at 1pm pacific

  • Nothing on the agenda as of yet, Caitlin will share previous agendas and notes with the team and everyone will suggest agenda topics via slack for the call on Jan. 24th


@Caitlin Nelson will send Jackie an invite for the monthly support call with Ex Libris on Jan. 24th at 1pm pacific
@Caitlin Nelson will share previous agendas and notes with the OT, and everyone will suggest agenda topics via Slack for the call on Jan. 24th

Team Charter

  • Begin drafting Team Charter

0 mins

Tom Bustos

Didn’t get to this, will work on it during our next meeting




Chairs & Vice Chairs of other SILS Teams and Groups

Question: will all of the chairs/vice chairs be in place by the end of this week, or do we know when they will be?

2 mins

Greg Ferguson

This is a good task for the support person, Mallory and Caitlin will assist.


@Caitlin Nelson and @Mallory Gianola will work on doing a chair round-up with SILS Transition Taskforce

Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion









60 mins






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