2023-05-17 Meeting notes

2023-05-17 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Sarah Lindsey

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Xiaoli Li

  • Todd Grappone, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PlJE3LGzZ4VKUTrgQRKVRNNIXsGBvvNP/view?usp=sharing



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

  • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

2 minutes


  • LG

    • email update - notes included in later agenda items

    • first meeting on Monday for membership transition group




Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

  • Any questions from the team?

  • Questions from Slack?

10 minutes


  • Caitlin update on ELUNA

    • ExL people met with UCLA people and also with additional stakeholders

    • ExL is focused on NZ enhancements

      • our consortium will soon have access to someone whose expertise is the NZ

      • current NZ roadmap

      • Ex Libris contacts

        • Erez Shabo (consortial PM)

        • Carmit Marcus (consortia coordinators group liaison)

        • Asaf Kline (VP Product)

    • felt very well listened to and feels action will soon take place

  • Survey

    • posted via Slack

    • Greg (UCSD) filled it out honestly and received an indication further follow up would be made - follow up tbd (revisit in the future?)




Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

41 minutes

Tom / Team

  • CJK discussion

    • Why did Alma go down when the configuration changed and not until Re-indexing?

      • the changes triggered a re-indexing b/c we are in a live environment

      • we backed out of the changes to bring us back online

    • What are the next steps?

      • these changes need to be implemented via re-indexing and must be planned

      • suggestion to happen in July/weekend/holiday - less traffic and after fiscal close (check on this date - may be different for each campus and their business offices)

        • earliest is July 7th weekend

        • ideally finish early in the morning (1-6am?)

        • must check with ExL to see if the semi-annual re-indexing has already happened before moving forward with this special re-indexing plan

      • outcomes of the Monday meeting

        • we asked ExL for an actual plan

        • plan details are up to SILS OT which will then be presented to ExL

        • Things to consider/current tentative plan:

          • choose one campus to go first, be clear about parties on call at both ExL and at the campus

            • Who is willing to be the vanguard?

          • Then move forward with other campuses in batches

          • Everyone all at once will overload the server

    • What can we expect?

      • once this process begins, each campus will need to be prepared to do offline circ or other manual processes

      • reminder from UCSB: offline circ doesn’t work with AFN loans

      • will this have an effect on Sandbox?

        • short answer: no

        • Sandbox refreshes August 13 - make this our tentative deadline?

  • gap between support and product noted by Caitlin and Gem

    • at ELUNA ExL indicated they are working on this

    • expertise is needed at initial customer service level, but we may just be pushed into second level customer service faster instead

  • reminder to keep pushing for improvements in both Alma (most of the current issues) and Primo

  • For next agenda

    • each campus should find a date between 7/4 and 8/13 (ideally a Friday night) - discuss at next meeting (5/31) and final checkin on the following meeting (6/14)

    • Vanguard would go first, perhaps as early as 6/30

    • timeframe may be 24-36 hrs, but hopefully shorter


@Caitlin Nelson will ask Gem to look at the October re-indexing to see the exact timeframe - present info at a future meeting
@Caitlin Nelson in conjunction with Gem, Liz, and Hermina to create a single message to distribute to campus stakeholders regarding the why for CJK related re-indexing, present to SILS OT early next week (5/22)

Upcoming Reindexing Release

  • Discuss issues/concerns

0 minutes


  • also partially discussed in previous agenda item




AASAP Team update to LG

Any questions or concerns regarding the update?

0 minutes


Team is on track for the desired outcome: (campuses will not “submit UCOP stats” for in-scope data elements, such as counts of physical items, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. Instead, CDL will provide reports for campus review).

  • A prototype “UCOP stats” report has been developed that incorporates feedback on the initial harmonization proposal. CDL analyst Daisy Nip developed it and is refining it based on testing and feedback from campuses via Team members.

  • Decision pages regarding important issues are being drafted so that there is an easy-to-access record of reasoning around significant data points and query approaches. Decisions  

The project team is both verifying some final elements for how variables and exclusions will be applied in Network Zone Alma Analytics, and also drafting our final report. The report will be ready and delivered to SILS-LG in mid-to-late May (Friday the 19 or 26). We acknowledge that we are slightly behind schedule on delivery of the narrative report. However, we are happy to share that a core part of our charge, to “recommend… a centralized reporting and analytics service” for UCOP stats and “test analytics harmonization workflows,” has been addressed by the prototype that Daisy is refining. 



@Tom Bustos to forward this email to SILS OT

NERS voting process

FYI for group

0 minutes


  • Greg & Caitlin met and discussed the following:

    • MVP: Ask the AllChairs group to review the second round of enhancements and make a rec. for top three (50,30,20)

    • If we wanted to make more of an impact, we’d need to be part of the enhancement process much earlier and deeper.




Pending projects / materials:

FYI updates on anything we’re waiting for

0 minutes






Review/Update OT Workplan

  • Follow-up discussion on review/update to the OT Workplan from OT-SC meeting

0 minutes

Tom / Team





Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

0 minutes






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 minutes


  • Taking the Temperature Survey

    • Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections

  • Discuss the retention and purging of Network user records in our respective Alma environments, primarily from a data security and privacy standpoint.

  • OT topics for Town Hall (awaiting next meeting date announcement)






53 minutes






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