2024-06-26 Meeting notes


  • Jackie Gosselar, Chair

  • Sarah Lindsey, Vice Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • Ramon Barcia (out)

  • Tom Bustos

  • Greg Ferguson (out)

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Xiaoli Li

  • Caitlin Nelson (out)

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira (out)

  • Gem Stone-Logan

  • Lynne Grigsby, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1luGA2HMx48U1KS-Hq9vLoLoJp_mSBXDK/view?usp=drive_link



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

  • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

23 minutes


  • Lynne’s last attendance as past SILS chair

  • LG update (Last meeting was 6/21/24) - Lynne

    • Accessibility team

    • patron privacy and security team will be starting soon

    • next quarterly newsletter - Lynne will be assisting with team updates for this

    • document currently going to Doc for review/approval

  • AC update - Jackie

  • input from Lynne - OT has a better handle on the demands of Chair and VC positions than LG and can/should provide input on this issue

  • input from Tom - confirmation that OT Chair is a large commitment, VC too (2 years)

    • feeling empowered to take action may also be a factor in recruitment

    • remind sub teams that they are the experts and are empowered to take action/make suggestions

  • question from Gem - why are people hesitant to be Chair or VC? Time is one issue, but others are suspected (lack of perceived knowledge on the subject, etc.)

    • side question: is it appropriate for CDL representatives to be chair or VC?

      • stemmed from Caitlin’s recent arguments against automatically taking on those roles

      • CDL tries to be reflective of campus needs, but does not have the same experience

      • they do heavily steer the discussion, though

      • if a CDL representative was chair, it would require more input from campuses

      • Lynne feels there’s a campus concern that campus voices might be lost if CDL was in that position

    • Chair tends to be the driving force

  • input from Jackie - workload expectations for staff vs. librarians

    • motivations differ (sometimes related to promotions/merit increased, etc.)




Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

5 minutes

Jackie/ Team


  • Last meeting was 6/21/24

  • semi-annual re-indexing (SARI) took up most of the meeting

    • communication, dates, etc.

    • re-indexing implemented by ExL does not provide additional information, only re-indexing implemented by individuals

    • ExL does not have plans to provide exact dates for re-indexing

    • CDL can provide limited information, but not the ideal solution to this information issue




Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

  • Any questions from the team?

  • Questions from Slack?

1 minute


  • no questions




NZ Analytics and Sensitivity of Alma Data



14 minutes


  • document for reference: NZ Analytics and Sensitivity of Alma Data

  • Update from Caitlin re: Bala: Bala says yes for sure we can share financial data.

  • Update from campus discussions?

  • Is the data privacy form still covering the needs of the NZ?

    • suggestion from Jackie - may need data security and privacy team to take a look at the language in the current waiver - make sure it covers user data in the NZ

    • Patron Privacy and Data Security Team has not yet begun to meet - Gem will ask once the group forms/meets

  • Questions to guide the discussion:

    • Training or learning: what would be necessary? Best Practices? Tri-annual webinar? Other guardrails?


@Gem Stone-Logan will contact the Patron Privacy and Data Security Team (once the team forms/meets) and ask them to take a look at the language in the current privacy waiver regarding user data in the NZ

Project Team Check-in: EIMP-PT

  • Discuss written update provided to OT on 6/12/24 via email; Have comments ready for the ream by end of meeting

16 minutes


  • For discussion: EIMP PT Update, June 2024 - Google Docs

  • group requested a year extension

  • meeting paused for 2 minutes while members read the report (recording not paused)

  • feedback from OT solicited

    • Gem - adding another team that requires more resources may prove to be a challenge, a wider group extension of an existing group might be more manageable

    • Lynne - concerned about creating more groups and impacting current FTE requirements

      • add digital collections - with data coming from Alma/MARC, is this a wider issue?

    • Xiaoli - use existing groups to solve some of these issues, one subgroup will not cover all these topics

    • Sarah - should still consider a solution to the problem, even if this group recommendation does not cover everything

  • need to continue this discussion at another meeting




Pending projects / materials:

  • FYI updates on anything we’re waiting for

0 mins


  • Data Forms Privacy - revisit after data policy and privacy project team recommendations have been published

    • revisions are still pending

    • final report will be shared after revisions

    • Still awaiting final report from LG before further action




Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

0 mins






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 mins


  • Taking the Temperature Survey

    • Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections

    • incorporate into the reboot

  • Lessons Learned on Kanopy kbase from UCSC

  • Project Team Check-ins (quarterly basis - last check in was around March 2024)

    • OARM-PT

    • EIMP-PT

  • Signature Success Program

    • paused during renegotiations

  • RNPT update in June/July?

  • Known Issues with Alma/Primo VE

  • Alma Consortia Advocacy Group (ACAG) updates as needed

  • SSO use in the NZ - updates from Gem as needed

  • New workplan - does OT need a new workplan?

  • Alma Data Privacy - annual reminder






59 minutes






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu