2023-08-03 Meeting notes
Jharina Pascual, Vice-Chair, UCI
Michelle Polchow, UCD
Sherry Lochhaas, CDL
Jeremy Whitt, UCLA
Carla Arbagey, UCR
Sarah Sheets, UCM
Katie Keyser, UCSF
Judy Keys, UCSD
Tamara Pilko, Chair, UCSC
Not in attendance:
Natalee Bell, UCSB
Jason Dezember, UCB
Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Record: Tamara Announcements: OT officially accepted the CDLNZ-PT Final Report ER&L (Mar 3-6) 2024 super early bird registration ends Aug 15 AASA-PT webinar Mon, Aug 7, 1-1:50pm (Overview of changes to UCL/UCOP annual statistics and Network Zone reporting) - will be recorded SILS Town Hall Thurs, Aug 17 12-1pm Implementation of Systemwide E-Resource Usage Stats in ALMA Tues Aug 8 Open Access Resource Management Project Team | Share announcements
| 5 min | @Tamara Pilko | Note taker/Actions: @Paula Pascual
2 | Update Team Charter | Update our Objective, Roles and Expectations for Working Together as needed | 20 | all |
| @Paula Pascual will edit member role section |
3 | Authentication Methods - Documentation | Gather feedback | 10 | @Tamara Pilko | Created Authentication methods Documentation page to replace Decision Page |
| @Tamara Pilko will investigate whether there are savings involved if all 10 campuses share the same authentication method |
4 | CRL records in Alma/Primo - Policy | Info share | 5 min | @Tamara Pilko | Created Policy Page to replace Decision Page
5 | Wrap Up + Action Items | Review action items and next steps | 5 min | @Paula Pascual |
6 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion: |
7 |
| Total | 45/60 |
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