2023-09-14 Meeting notes

2023-09-14 Meeting notes


  • Jharina Pascual, Vice-Chair, UCI

  • Michelle Polchow, UCD

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Jeremy Whitt, UCLA

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

Not in attendance:

  • Tamara Pilko, Chair, UCSC

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome









Desired Outcome









Record: Jharina


CRL is still waiting on ExLibris to update their collections in CDI - this is on the agenda for the monthly UC/ExL support call this Friday

Share announcements



5 min

@Paula Pascual

Note taker/Actions:
Timekeeper: @Jeremy Whitt







CDL update

Info share

10 min

@Sherry Lochhaas

Staffing: new licenses services manager position filled, Carly Ryan onboarding
Lisa MacKinder and Angie in invoicing are out on extended leave.

Apabi - (tier two purchase) company is declaring bankruptcy and have notified CDL that they are shutting down platform. CDL in communication with several parties to determine what will happen with our perpetual access purchases - third party preservers, other consortia.

CNKI - nearing month 6 for restriction to suspended content, Chinese government is still auditing, a lot of uncertainty about the future of the content (its completeness, etc.).

DeGruyter ebooks have now been removed and ebook group will review the outcome of this access.

ArtSTOR platform is sun setting in about another year and required to move content to JSTOR platform, so requires republishing collections and following history of some older collections that will go to CDL to manage.










Steering Committee update

Shared understanding of work plan setup and decision page use

15 min

@Paula Pascual @Sherry Lochhaas

Procedural updates to these pages:

Work Plan: E-Resources


All -Think about if you would like to be a Project Lead for a work plan item

Discussion notes:
Steering committee reviewed the work plan, deleted some items that have been covered by other groups such the project report from Alma Annual Statistics Analytics Project Team.

ERES proposes starting a new process, give each decision page with a “lead” who will do the updates, tag, facilitate communication plan out to campuses.

Clarify statuses within work plan - added some additional status for clarity - see work plan page for statuses at the bottom.





eCAUG report out

Info share

15 min


Jharina had insightful conversation with Tom Bustos, former chair of SILS Operations Team. Given first year launch and comparing practices between other consortia using Ex Libris systems - the CSUs and CCs are more proficient at getting communication shared and discussed when decisions, policy and process is rolled out - getting community feedback wider than SILS, have dedicated staff that it is written in their position descriptions dedicated to ensuring this work is well documented.






Round Robin


10 min




UCM-Kanopy record keeping
UCSF - EBSCO renewals and usage (Katie)

UCI - trying to streamline EBSCO renewals and frustrated with duplicating the subscription agent data and adding to Alma (Jharina)

UCSD - EBSCO renewals and revamping the process

UCLA - working on serial renewals

UCD - loaded all vendors (including CDL) and harvesting usage data which has assisted collection strategies with assessment and renewals. Also our E-Cohort group is struggling with understanding CDL process for expedient cataloging of front file lists, lots of tickets from medical library reporting missing titles in catalog (particularly given the commencement of the medical residency program in July) but find the new titles are on publisher platform - why are these not syncing? Concern that GOBI has been added to process so wondering if 3rd party may be delaying the process to get titles if they wait until a collection is fully published?







Wrap Up + Action Items

Review action items and next steps

5 min

@Paula Pascual



Steering Committee is continuing to review and update the work plan, particularly given inherited Phase 4 deliverables that may be either resolved or have become outdated requests or irrelevant given increased understanding of the ERM.

ERES (@Michelle Polchow @Jason Dezember @Jeremy Whitt @Judy Keys @Katie Keyser @Natalee Bell @Paula Pascual @Sherry Lochhaas @Tamara Pilko) - read over the work plan and consider which deliverables you would be interested in working on.




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:























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