2023-03-01 OT-SC Meeting notes

2023-03-01 OT-SC Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Ex Libris support

  • Discuss next steps to approach Ex Libris about support issues

  • Caitlin to discuss Signature Success Program

11 minutes


  • Signature Success Program - revisit this with an idea for structuring future ExL meetings and how to advocate for ourselves here.

    • not discussed yet in OT, submit to OT for discussion at next meeting (3/8/23), Tom to discuss at ExL after OT review

  • ExL Meeting updates:

    • Getting in touch with developers for further assistance

    • Issues discussed: new records not displaying in UC Library Search, Tipasa

    • ExL is much more responsive to our needs - asking for standards and not exceptions or special circumstances

  • meeting with OCLC - enthusiastic to be working with us, project manager Stacey has been helpful in progressing toward developer to developer discussions between OCLC and ExL




All Chairs meeting update


28 minutes


  • Michelle brought up the situation at Davis where over a large number of user permissions were altered unexpectedly. She asked if there was guidance on backing up or restoring these settings. Since this is an area that was left to independent campuses to address, there are no “best practices”, but may be an area that could use them.

    • This is a good topic to bring to the OT to share with the local IZ admins

      • ask UCD (Neil) to present topic to OT at 3/8/23 meeting?

    • revealed need for a spreadsheet of users and their roles as a backup and possibly lock roles to avoid being over-ridden in the future

  • Side topics:

    • UCD user count has increased dramatically

    • Reminder: March - annual Alma user account

  • Discussed the Idea Exchange item and finalized the top 5 from the All Chair perspective. The chosen method for commenting is that one person will draft the response and those who can, will comment with an “us too” noting the campus for the response.

    • Run this by AC and then OT

  • Stacy and Michelle shared that there are indeed some deliverables in their Work Plans that are delayed and awaiting action from CDL for network zone data. The team is very aware that the folks at CDL are over capacity at the moment and are hoping for more visibility to the concern.

    • unable to move forward with some work plans due to delays from CDL

    • add notes to work plans as an explanation/heads up


@Caitlin Nelson to request annual Alma user account list from each campus

Data Visibility issues email

Discuss anything before bringing this to next week’s meeting

2 minutes


  • See email from Gem

    • should SILS Operations Center send out a warning about including sensitive data or investigate privately first?

    • Decision to provide a warning - looking into this, but please be aware it is an issue

    • Caitlin will keep us posted





3 minutes


  • Questions to guide feedback:

    • Does the definition of OA generally align with UC Libraries’ understanding/expectations of what might be labeled as OA in UCLS?

    • Do the definition and evaluation criteria allow for inclusion of too much content, or are they prohibitive?

    • Is there any other feedback you would like to share about this draft document?

  • Provide our copy (OARMPT OA Definition and Evaluation Criteria--OT REVIEW COPY) to Erica


@Caitlin Nelson to provide this Google Doc to Erica: OARMPT OA Definition and Evaluation Criteria--OT REVIEW COPY



SILS Community Slack proposal

Discuss this doc and prepare for OT presentation https://docs.google.com/document/d/14THVoCKawb-uS3axfFDTWphB1ZzVUZZluzBZNg5bC5A/edit#heading=h.cws0gu57ljh0

1 min


  • add to OT agenda for 3/8/23




Executive Session

  • Private Discussion

10 minutes


  • CDL NZPT to write report detailing what they were and were not able to accomplish throughout their year long project team charge

    • Hoping to provide skeleton records to assist campuses in accomplishing their work

    • team will be dissolved soon, perhaps delayed until April at the latest

    • more permanent and sustainable alternative to this team tbd - work taken over by FTE instead of a project team?




Build agenda for next OT meeting

  • Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

5 minutes


  • See proposed agenda here




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 minutes








60 minutes






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