2023-01-18 OT-SC Meeting notes
Thomas Bustos, Chair
Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair
Caitlin Nelson
Anna Arrieta, Support Member
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Ex Libris support |
| 8 minutes | Team |
| @Caitlin Nelson to reply to Adriana, Jack, and Kelly regarding agenda contents and meeting time/date for next meeting (currently expected as Monday, 1/23/23). Include a request to include Donald. @Jackie Gosselar to add additional case numbers to the ExL meeting agenda. @Caitlin Nelson to send out reminder to AC send in ticket numbers to include in the upcoming ExL meeting |
2 | All Chairs meeting update |
| 6 minutes | Tom |
3 | SILS Membership Transition |
| 20 minutes | Team | Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTrj2HWPqF1mtAv-pNaiq1hQZWMpeRPeb2CgztVzgcg/edit
| @Anna Arrieta to send https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dyz-IFyW8qGWj46tTO2f39FsdqS3kfN9UfwE7340_aA/edit#heading=h.trq7f6bvofir to OT group as a pre-read @Tom Bustos to send https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dyz-IFyW8qGWj46tTO2f39FsdqS3kfN9UfwE7340_aA/edit#heading=h.trq7f6bvofir to LG as a heads up on what is being current discussed |
4 | Tipasa |
| 1 minute | Jackie |
| @Jackie Gosselar to send a more detailed update on Tipasa via Slack |
5 | Update on onboarding/offboarding docs |
| 5 minutes | Team |
| @Tom Bustos to add these Google Docs (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fO5xtUHyi2l1ateXC8QUVog6drTwSMce) to LG 2/3/23 meeting - ideal goal is an approval vote |
6 | Review/Update OT Workplan |
| 0 minutes | Team |
7 | Past Chair at Future OT-SC Meetings | 0 minutes | Team |
| |
8 | Ethical metadata group |
| 5 minutes | Caitlin |
9 | Executive Session |
| 10 minutes | Team |
10 | Build agenda for next OT meeting |
| 0 minutes | Team |
11 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
12 |
| Total | 55 minutes |
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