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Chris was involved in the Orbis Cascade Alliance migration - not his first rodeo!
Winning hearts and minds of staff is key!
Günter was there at the inception of the SILS
Günter mentioned the two primary original goals for SILS was robust support for the two RLF’s, and to also share resources across all the UC libraries.
Kickoff desired outcome
Understand the relationship between the Communication Leads and Project Manager Leads -- together we are the Operation Leads
Understand how the project has been managing communications thus far
Understand immediate next steps
Introductions and Ice breaker
Name, title, institution
If you weren’t doing your current job, what would you be doing?
Lena: Associate Director for Discovery and Delivery at the CDL. Been there 18 yrs. Would love to design book jackets.
Chris Barone: SRL as a Project Co-Manager along with Lena. A collections PM at SRLF. Would love to travel to Europe and write travel logs.
Neil: PM for UC Davis Libraries. Would like to manage an animal shelter.
Ben: communications manager at UCLA mgr. Been in this role 2 years. Background is primarily in communications. Helps colleagues with communications planning. Aldo de facto staff photographer. Would also like to write a travel guidebooks.
Adrian: UCI Libraries. IT Director. Since 2006. PMP since 2002. Been involved in PM teams. More recently was the PM for Alma Primo implementation 2 years ago at UCI. Would like to be a Mgmt Consultant. Likes Tom Peters.
Caitlin: Product Manager at CDL 5 years. Been on the SILS project 2 years. Main liaison between SILS and Ex Libris. Would like to do something highly logical, supply chain, traffic engineering.
Bill: PM in DIIT group at UCLA Library. Most recently was the PM for the Samvera Implementation project. Was previously a management consultant in Org Change. PMP certified and Organizational Change certified. Bill would like to be a professional skateboarder.
Chris Shaffer: knows skateboarders and transportation professionals!! Would be retired early! Would do a PhD in archaeology.
Günter: jazz music fan; would study music theory; would go on a long meditation retreat at Tassajara.
Share proposal for how Communication Leads and PM Leads come together to work
Together PMs and Coms are responsible for leadership across the project
We propose a weekly shared meeting (to start)
Does Tues 11-12 work to meet as Op Leads? Yes!!
Front-load communication issues at the beginning of the meeting to the extent possible.
We’ll assess what’s working and adjust as needed
Why do we need this? There’s overlap in the work of the two groups that requires ongoing discussion/assessment of the work that needs to get done and who does it
New members bring new eyes to the project - what’s clear, unclear, blindspots
Charge and deliverables
Compare charges of Communication Leads charge and PM leads: doc
Understand the overlaps and dependencies
Understand who signs off on work
Awareness of when Communication Leads will do a deep dive on their charge
At the heart of the project is the Project timeline/RACI (PMs) and Communication plan (Coms): What are the points in the project timeline where communications are needed?
Example: Getting decisions approved (PMs) and communicating decisions (Coms). Coms will work with PMs to determine the appropriate communications, e.g., minor decisions may be rounded up in a bulk update whereas major decisions and deliverables may require a full communication plan.
Project co-managers (Christine & Lena) to meet with Com Leads for a deeper dive into their charge (within the next week)
Internal to UC Libraries is highlighted in the charge. Winning hearts and minds is a key goal of the project. What’s not in the charge is we will also manage communications for a public audience (ensuring content is appropriate for the public)
PMs do the what, and COLs do “how” we talk about what we’re doing, how we educate people.
Ben: Public and internal messaging is very different - it might require two different takes, and possibly different tools. Two concurrent and overlapping timelines for private and public. CS: each campus will also want to manage and massage the timelines, with possibly different content. Ben: Are we going to have different branding on the messaging per campus? Do we build a toolkit that lets campuses build out messaging on their campus? GW: There might be things to be learned from the open access initiative that we’re a little ahead on. We may want to forge a different path.
Will also want to liaise with the training folks as they package their materials.
QUESTION: Do we need to get contacts for each campus' communications person? Who will be the liaison for Communications?
Communication Leads working together
How will the Com Leads work together? (consider and bring to the next meeting)
Will you have a weekly standing meeting?
How will you divide work?
Who will be chair? Discuss who will take on more work and the position of chair. The chair will become a non-voting member of the SILS Working Group to facilitate sharing information between the two teams and support the development of communication strategies. Come to a WG meetings are 4/17 & 5/1
We asked for 3 Com Leads; determine over time if another member is needed
Both Ben and Adrian can come 4/17
@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) will invite Ben and Adrian to the upcoming WG meetings on 4/17 and 5/1
Decisions are documented on Confluence, it is the canonical site for the project
Homework on the next meetings
Awareness of upcoming work and meetings:
Meeting: Deeper dive into Com Leads charge and project collaboration tools (Adrian, Ben, Christine, Lena)
Homework: Get familiar with the various SILS media (confluence, SILS website, SILS-News, DOC webinars, etc.)
Homework: Team Charter
Next Operation Leads meeting: Start considering “forest for trees” reporting on decisions and sharing key project/FAQ information
WG meeting on 4/17 & 5/1 - Adrian & Ben welcome to join and “test drive”
Chris & Günter will join us periodically at Ops Leads meeting for a view into what’s happening across the project
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will send PMOL invite to Ben and Adrian
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed)schedule a meeting with CB, LZ, AP, BA (after BA, AP meet) next week
@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) will doodle poll for the Adrian, Ben, Christine, Lena meeting next week
Parking Lot
Capture important topics for future discussion
Future Agenda items
Do we make the PM Leads weekly meeting an Operation Leads weekly meeting?
PM Leads to determine what the highest value meeting time would be for SILS project co-chairs (Chris & Günter) to join a meeting/participate.
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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