2020-08-06 Op Leads (COM) Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Caitlin Nelson, SILS Service Manager

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads

  • @Neil Weingarten, PM Leads

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.




  • Neil is back.

  • Adrian will be out the week of Aug 17. Ben will cover the Town Hall.




SILS Service Manager (recurring)




Nothing to report




Milestones to celebrate

Review celebration milestones in Editorial Calendar and identify upcoming other activities/groups to celebrate in August


Ben, Adrian

  • (From 8/4) Ask Ex Libris if we can pull some numbers about the magnitude of records we submitted for the vanguard (aggregate, not by campus) - Idea to create

  • an infographic/heavy-lifting

    • Response from Marci: “Once the Migration team completes the test loads, migration reports with this type of data are provided to the campuses when we deliver them their data.

      I can provide you this information following data delivery.” (So, this must be in September…)

    • what metrics do you have to easily share with us? What numbers do you have that might support an infographic?


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will add to IC agenda: what metrics do you have to easily share with us? What numbers do you have that might support an infographic?

(Ops Leads) Ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?



  • Ben and Adrian are working on the value props for WG meeting on Friday.

  • Ben dropped in milestones to celebrate in the SILS editorial calendar. For FirstLook at Primo VE, we can provide a URL to Primo VE. We’ll need framing to introduce Primo; consult with EUOS and Discovery.




SILS value prop

Value prop and stakeholders:

Debrief on feedback from Steering; Understand remaining work



Ben, Adrian

  • Ben and Adrian refined the value props and they are ready to go to WG on Friday.




SILS All Chairs meeting (recurring)

  • Note-taking:

  • Facilitating:

  • Monitoring chat:

  • Track attendance:

Topic for next meeting Aug 12: Vanguard testing

Topic for co-chairs? Co-chairs are not available.

Who can we invite to speak?

Ask chairs about the idea of a problem log and corresponding slack channel for sharing issues and learning from one another during testing. Are there other ideas for how to do this? How do we include those who are testing, but not part of the cohort? See PPC-SC notes

Confirm roles 8/11



Informational portion of the meeting:

  • Timeline overview of testing (Caitlin)

  • How will accounts work - this should be on the agenda (Tom or Carlo)

  • Open questions

  • Share test plans as a lightning talk - ILSDC, IC (local team), FG (checking decisions): what did you consider when putting together your test plan? how much time will testing take? how many people will be involved? what are some of the big areas you want to learn about?

  1. Timeline:

  • Understand how much time is needed for each activity for timeline planning purposes: testing (Does your test plan take an hour or a week?); making decisions for the test load data; cleaning up data in preparation for the test load. What decision-making can happen at the same time as testing?

  • What questions do we need to ask about testing to know how much time to allocate? IC (local implementation teams) and FGs (testing vanguard decisions) will be doing the testing.

  • Determine when decisions needs to be made in order to be implemented for test load.

2. Testing and communicating:

  • Tracking recommendation: FGs create spreadsheets to list what is being tested (one big sheet or one sheet for each group?)

  • How do we learn from each other during the testing period? How do you know if something is a bug vs. the result of your migration form or something else? where do you post problems?

    • Post into Basecamp (if an obvious problem is discovered)? → Need to ask ExL about where they want us to post (i.e. Salesforce vs Basecamp)

    • For learning together and sanity checking problems (who knows how to do x? I learned this thing I think will be useful to others.) → Create a problem log? Create a slack channel for reporting problems?

  • How do we learn from each other, in total? Lessons learned at the end of Vanguard.

    • Big takeaways will be reported at the end of October

  • After sharing the timeline with ICs and PPC, determine if this should be a topic at the 8/12 chairs meeting or at the 8/26 meeting. Consider: will the 8/26 meeting be too late?

  • Need a canonical place for testing plans and test outcomes, possibly as a decision page.

@Caitlin Nelson will put notes together on testing (possibly as a decision page)


SILS project blog (recurring)

Items for the blog?







Alma Training (recurring)








(COM) SILS Communications Calendar

Awareness of upcoming communications and anything needed


Ben, Adrian






Work in progress (Com Leads)


  • Communication flows diagram

  • Local implementation teams interviews in blog (see Local group structures from April 2020) - Ben will draft interview questions

  • Communicating from project to local groups (where to document this?)

  • Blogs

  • Virtual town hall for cohort

  • Virtual town hall for all staff (start early Nov; quarterly)

  • Meetings with chairs on their communication plans

  • Celebration milestones and what’s involved

  • Communicating the value of SILS


Ben, Adrian





Work in progress (PM Leads)

  • All chairs meeting

  • Premortem risk actions

  • RACI

  • Training webinars on project tools and best practices

  • Phase 3.5 report (in progress!!)

  • timeline (extend beyond go-live), identify critical path & intense work periods


Christine, Lena, Neil





Parking Lot




  • Premortem actions (PM)

  • Talking points for co-chairs for Town Hall (kudos to vanguard on milestone) (COM) before 8/18

  • Communication recommendations from meetings with chairs (COM)

  • Lessons learned from Melvy/OCLC WCL about customization; UC Path micro-accommodations that caused delays and issues. Fewer customizations means stability and nimbleness to innovate: Transformation will happen the more we can standardize. Campuses will be responsible for their own IZ but the network zone must be protected. (from pre-mortem review)

  • Coordinator-level chairs meeting: Define the problem statement and the desired outcome for the meeting.












The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu