2024-02-09 Meeting notes

2024-02-09 Meeting notes



  • Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library

  • Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

  • Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

Not present:

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HHdEBRm0_L3LJICWgH_X-nSIG-jReKkR


Est Time

Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Est Time

Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates


Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups


  • Received the final report from the SILS Patron Privacy and Data Security Project Team. Will be responding to the project team with recommendations.

  • Discussed draft of the first SILS LG Newsletter.

  • Discussed documentation options

  • Named Accounts Project Team had it’s first meeting.

  • LG was happy with the townhall.


  • Discussed the problem of jobs running slow and/or preventing other jobs from running. We’ll add this to the issues and themes doc and Gem will provide some specific examples.

  • Next Ex Libris support meeting is February 16.

  • Voted to approve the Organization Unit Name Change with some additions made discuss workarounds for the analytics problems.

  • Gem and Caitlin have been working with OST chairs to create a revised proposal for expanded NZ access. This will likely be ready for OT by their next meeting.


  • Continued discussing the Alma/Primo VE issues and themes doc. Plan to discuss specific issues with Adriana as part of signature success. However, the renegotiation team wants to use this as a springboard to discuss systematic issues.

Accessibility update:

  • No recent updates




Primo VE Features



Ex Libris Documentation

Disc Discussion Page

Selected Notes:

  • Automatically Enable Quicklinks – This will get turned on automatically in May (with opt-out option). Because it’s an opt-out feature, Discovery will plan to formally take a look at it in more detail prior to May.

  • CDI Subject Normalization and New Keyword Field – People find this interesting. We’ll follow-up in about 4 weeks to talk about what campuses have decided to turn on.




Slack/General Questions



UCSD - New staff member starting working in Primo - thinking about training and onboarding. Specifically front end developer. Any suggestions/thoughts?

UCSB - Newsbank article and NZ GES (ExL Doc) Gem’s notes:

  • Implemented in NZ

  • Looks like it’s designed to work for CDI articles

    • Link does not appear for journal (example) but does appear for articles (example)

  • When I was first testing, the link did not show up in UCSD’s catalog. However, when I went to compile a list of campuses it did not show up in, it showed up in UCSD. The link is appearing sporadically in UCSD’s Primo VE and I don’t know why (screencast). The sandbox continues to be painfully slow to test anything in which makes it very hard to troubleshoot this type of problem. Update: Never mind, I was using the production URL instead of sandbox.

  • Sometimes the link shows but it doesn’t work (UCSB example, UCD example)

UCSB - Displaying both MLA 7th and 8th edition options. Any follow-up questions/comments?

UCR - NZ record with no holdings

CDL - FYI about no CDI in Primo VE for NZ database-type electronic resources. This probably likely appeared mid-December. We believe it was resolved this last Monday.

Reminder sandbox update this weekend


Gem will follow-up with RM chairs to ask if we need an NZ Orphaned Bib procedure.


Upcoming Meetings



February 23 - Work on decision page for Exclude eBooks from CDI Results. Focus on things to consider before a campus decides whether to turn it on or off.

March 8 - Follow-up on CDI Subject Normalization and New Keyword Field. If done with eBooks/CDI, look at work plan. Potentially discuss Automatically Enable Quicklinks feature.

May 8 - Next Primo VE release meeting




Parking Lot








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