2023-12-19 All Chairs Meeting notes
Jackie Gosselar, OT Chair
Tammy Guziejka, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair (
Laura Fouladi, AcqOST VC (guest)
Hermine Vermeij, Resource Management Operations Subteam chair (absent)
TJ Kao, RMOST Vice Chair
Ross Anastos, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair
Tamara Pilko, E-Resources Operations Subteam chair
Gem Stone-Logan, Discovery Operations Subteam chair
Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative
Jason Newborn – Resource Sharing Subteam Chair
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | (STANDING ITEM) Subteam Roundup | Check-in on OSTs - capture any shared issues or cross-team task | 10 | Team | F:
| ||
2 | Questions from Slack | FYI on anything quick that came up | 5 | Team | NERS discussion: Discovery might have one to submit - is it worth it? No one knows… But there’s also a consortial one from last year that didn’t win and we’ll plan to resubmit that one - woot! |
3 | OT / LG updates | Inform on salient issues from OT and LG | 5 | Jackie |
| |
4 | Next Year | What issues do we want to address/temperature check |
| Caitlin | Inviting vice chairs more frequently to liaise with RNPT and to prep for membership transition. Giving the updates has been really helpful for cross-communications! “It’s time to migrate when the vendor is no longer able / willing to put resources to their product.” How could we become a proactive development partner, instead of using the regular routes to complain? There is potential for us to integrate more broadly with the UC Libraries community and other leadership groups. Membership transition and rotation (or lack thereof) came up again. |
5 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
| We’re cancelling the meeting on the 2nd as it’s a holiday for some. See you Jan 16th! |
6 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
7 |
| Total | x/x |
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