2020-08-27 Fulfillment & ILL FG Meeting notes
Aug 27, 2020 11:00 AM
@Mark Marrow , UC Berkeley
@Jason Newborn , UC Davis
@Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine
@Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed) , UCLA
@Sahra Klawitter , UC Riverside
@Micquel Little (Unlicensed) , UC San Francisco
@Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara
@Joseph Ferrie , California Digital Library
@Joe Ameen , UCM (Liaison) Note Taker
@Kristen Cardoso (Unlicensed), UC Santa Cruz
@Judea D'Arnaud, UC San Diego
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Check-in/ Updates | PPC meeting updates and review of any action items from last meeting Quick share of any local team updates |
| All |
2 | Fulfillment Network Config Forms Review | Placeholder to make any changes Ex-Libris asks of us before the Friday deadline to turn in the final draft.
| All | If they are going to create a Fulfillment Network user code for us, it should be “NETWORK”. Applicable patron groups from Vanguard campuses will be mapped to this. User groups for Fulfillment network need a code. It is possible to have local IZ loan TOU rules. Everything will be re-uploaded tomorrow. We will continue to work off of the config forms. |
3 | Test Plan | Let’s get our test plan fleshed out. This is a sample test plan outline borrowed from the other FGs. We can take a look and see if something like this will work for us. We can cut it down to just our specific needs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yj1J_CFVTT0iqTi26rYqy1MFOlXz5P4zmY8KurS77Bs/edit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bUjEXKsrlnxASwoYzjm-DmZNpAAnxUge5eR0o9rXDsI/edit#gid=103680270 |
| All | There is a Google Sheets page with tabs for each testing category. Patron Experience was added as a tab. We will need to verify that the rota is randomized. It might be that patrons have the option to request at the title or option level. All members will have to fill out a privacy agreement for testing purposes. There is a stripped down version of Request available for testing. FG members will get high level privileges for testing purposes. Eventually these tests will need scripts to control variables in each scenario. |
| Members should review and make changes to the testing document before EOB 8/28. |
4 | Parking Lot |
| There are some questions around what other things this group might add to the parking lot. Expiration dates and whatnot. | Members can add to the parking lot issues that they feel need to be considered or tracked. |
5 |
| DDS Decision Page (Go-Live) Document Delivery Service (DDS) Setup Config forms - local campuses |
6 | Harmonization work | Continue our discussion from last week and come up with loan periods to propose for fulfillment network/locally https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-W2psaW6GsgOTD1ByTHRF00bikcnVR6W/edit#gid=1939968629 |
7 |
| Total | x/x |
Future agenda items
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