2021-08-05 Meeting notes

2021-08-05 Meeting notes


Aug 5, 2021 2-3:30 pm (2-2:50 hereafter)


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair (will be out 8/12)

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Jackie Gosselar

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM

Discussion items
















Q&A (recurring) - urgent questions

Do you have a question to discuss at the meeting? Add it below with your name.

  1. (Tom) Is anyone seeing digital resources in Primo showing as “view online” from other campuses even when your campus does not have access to those resources?

    For example: A search on “Affective Learning - A Manefesto” brings up a BT Technology Journal article that Berkeley and San Diego have. Primo displays with “available online”, but we (properly) don’t have access to the article since it isn’t licensed to Merced.

  2. (Lena) Is anyone asking ExL to delete their SCP/Marcive suppressed records? What is your plan for deleting them? Note: The SCP/marcive suppressed records should be cleaned up because they will slow down searches - they are still technically in the system. These bib records will also count against our total number of bibs which has implications for the contract (costing more).

  3. (Alison/Gem for Joe Ferrie) I have a question on Basecamp that has not been answered: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/messages/4018163741. UCLA figured out that you can suppress the Patron cancel notices by toggling off the letter, but that means that no notice is sent even under circumstances where you would want the notice to be sent . We only want to suppress the behavior when we cancel a borrowing request using the API. I archived the Basecamp issue and @Alison Ray (CDL) opened SF case #00981363

    1. Was this added to known issues page?

  4. (Alison/Gem) BROWZINE; It appears some campuses attempted the ‘experimental/option 2’ method provided by Third Iron, but this is not working (Third Iron contacted CDL about this). UCs will have to use Third Iron’s standard Alma instructions - which requires work in both IZ and NZ instance. CDL would like to partner with a volunteer campus to ensure we get the NZ part correct. What is needed:

    1. campus/IZ follows ‘Single Institution / IZ’ part of Third Iron’s instructions. (may need to un-do the ‘experimental profile/method')

    2. CDL follows ‘Multicampus/Consortia/NZ’ part of Third Iron’s instructions

    3. campus/IZ test that Browzine functions correctly - both for IZ and NZ managed resources

  5. Gillian: not a question, but an FYI. Sent this in an email to FFG chair, copied ICs.
    Problem: ILL Request link showing up on SPC records with an AEON link - when users are logged in. 
    Limited Solution (put into UC Santa Cruz production): 

    • Using GES and Display Logic Rules to hide the ILL request link on local SPC records.

    • Note: This does not work for SPC records coming from the Discovery Network in Primo, so at UCSC, even after we put our local solution in place, we still see the ILL request form on other campus Special Collections materials.

  6. (Carlo) Not necessarily our decision, but maybe we could make a recommendation for future harmonization: I’ve seen BC tickets about “we’d like to make X Primo label be more user friendly”. Since we have a significant population that may move between campuses (undergrad at one, becomes a grad at another, and maybe faculty at a third) should we recommend Primo labels be fairly uniform? So if you go from campus to campus the labels you are presented for similar tasks (i.e. Request through interlibrary loan, Item In Place, Request, etc.) are consistent?

  7. (Carlo) This may be related to Sara’s comment in IC Slack “ExL was successfully able to delete UCSCs ETAS collection and UCM, UCSD, and UCSB DFG reps were all able to report no UCSC ETAS records showing in their Primos”. UCLA would like to have the ability for users to “Request” (for UCLA users) HT ETAS items for page and pickup, and also to prevent AFN requests as well. However, since we’re still using HT ETAS until Sept 7 (our planned reopening date) we would like the records discoverable in Primo so users can still access the ETAS link. Is any campus successfully doing this?

  8. (Sarah) Local Resource Type in Primo is no longer working for UCSC. Our Primo person says the documentation says the Local Resource Types have to be configured at both the IZ and NZ level.



  1. Right now, it’s expected behavior. A second click is needed to check in real-time. The idea is users can request them so you want them to show up. AEFG and RMFG are aware of this issue.

  2. Already-Almas only: ILSDC is planning a staggered delete plan so we don’t all do it at the same time. Some campuses need to separate print from electronic so need to look at every record individually. At Davis, TJ will create sets by 8/16 and ExL will delete. UCI is working on a plan. UCR has a plan.

  3. Alison reviewed the issue.

  4. Campus partner is UCI. Other campuses do not have to do anything right now.

  5. FYI only.

  6. Uniform labels in Primo systemwide? Carlo has not yet asked DFG about this topic. DFG did make decisions on some labels. Identify the core labels to harmonize. Should this go to DFG?

  7. ETAS. Sarah is on the ETAS liaisons group. There’s an API to identify held print titles in ETAS but that’s only a % of what’s held. That’s where the barrier is. Each campus has a different practice. Alison has a citation linker form that she made for Kathryn Stine to find ETAS titles. ETAS only exists another month so any work needs to be easy or it’s not worth it.

  8. Let Sarah know if your local resource types are working. Then, Sarah will coordinate with CDL.

  9. Internal patrons without password Q from Carlo: Social media option is the popular method to manage patrons without a password. UCB created a patron password reset form. Allows users to reset pin.




Timeline review / PM update




Any questions?

Coming soon…

  • Begin creation of premium Alma and Primo VE sandboxes, starting Aug 8. It should not take more than a couple of days.

  • Switch to Support Readiness Discussion (~Aug-Sept)

  • IC post-mortem in a couple of weeks: jot down things now you want to share – what worked, what didn’t work, what surprised you? 8/19

Special meetings




Parking lot




  • Decide on Aug 12: Sep 7-10 Analytics workshop:

    • Decide which IZ(s) to use for the analytics workshop (in addition to the NZ). Nothing will be edited during the demo. One suggestion from the trainer is to use a different IZ each day.

    • Would you like your IZ demo’ed in the analytics workshop? (Polled on slack)

      • Yes: UCB, UCSF, UCSC, UCI, UCM,

      • No: UCR, UCSB

    • ICs will need to see the Qs specific to their campus in advance to know if ExL can demo their IZ to answer the Q.

    • Question from ExL: Is it OK to demo your IZ during the analytics workshop if Q’s arise that relate specifically to your campus' data? 








Review decisions and actions.







The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu