2021-02-25 Meeting notes

2021-02-25 Meeting notes


Feb 25, 2021 2-3:30 pm


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Jackie Gosselar

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson , on leave

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances

Anything to report on the test load?



  • Rumors of UCLA libraries opening are not quite accurate – still a ways off!

  • UCB is looking at reopening challenges - elevators, ensuring masks are worn, etc.




ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC

  • Patron Data (Carlo)

  • ILS Data Cleanup (Tom): co-chairs visit on 3rd Thursdays. TJ Kao and/or Catherine Busselen will join on 3/18.

  • PPC:

    • Review final decisions (as needed)

  • SILS Chairs/Coordinators meeting update & actions


Carlo, Tom





Timeline review / PM update

Questions should be posted to Basecamp 2 weeks ahead EOD Wednesday for special meetings and EOD Monday for Thursday standard office hours.

working copy timeline

Confluence Implementation Timeline

Timeline Feedback Plan for the process of approving the timeline with ICs

Requesting a Zoom call with an Ex Libris consultant is fine when you need F2F to resolve a complex discussion. Reach out directly to that consultant on BC.

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines: Basecamp To-Dos and share FYIs




  • Primo VE workshop (week of May 17): which environment to use for training? THIS REFERS TO ALL 10 CAMPUSES. How will we decide? When will we decide? Does not need to be decided today. We can put this in the parking lot.

  • 3/22 1-2pm: Ex Libris meeting time is OPEN. If you would like to propose a topic for a UC-led special meeting, see How to Request a Special Meeting. Some ideas:

    • APIs (Jeremy)

    • TOU terms of use (Greg)

  • Sarah reported Ecaug is doing a presentation on letters in March. Sarah will send the announcement when it’s out.




Functional Impact of Regex Entries for User Records

Can the ICs familiarize themselves with this issue: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/messages/3484550151#__recording_3508385345 and if the Already Alma campuses can come prepared to chime in as to their experiences, especially with regards to Le's reply in the Comments, that would be appreciated. Greg and I were chatting and if Le's correct, then for any campus who sets up a Regex and has possible dirty data coming from campus...this could mean a lot of work.


Alma campuses

  • Greg has heard if the regex isn’t good, the record is rejected.

  • Lakshmi experienced that records were rejected at load due to regex. She did an action that resolved the problem and hasn’t had the problem since.

  • Ramon: No regex; any mods are done on the campus level.

  • Jeremy: I don't think I've ever had a patron record not be imported because of a phone number issue (unless they left it blank). looks like UCSB doesn't use a phone regex. We do use an email and zip code regex. Jeremy suggested: leave phone regex blank and make the folks generating the feed at your campus make sure the phone number is correct.

  • Robin: We’re not doing any data manipulation; We use the default regex, and we don’t seem to be having patron reject file problems. Patrons can opt in for SMS and add their telephone numbers (if I’m remembering correctly)

  • Gillian: UCSC Is also not manipulating the phone numbers

  • If you don’t define an expression, it accepts whatever is in the field. Defining an expression that chokes could lead to problems with records not loading.

  • Is this MVP? Not sure.

  • Next steps: Need more info. from ExL.




Question from UCSC ICs: testing API Keys for NA07

Clarification / Information


Gillian / Sarah

  • Our ILL/Fulfillment rep was asked by the FG to provide an API key for Users data in order to implement the ILLiad to VDX email integration. She was told UCLA has already done this.

  • Our developer put in a Salesforce ticket: “We are in the midst of confirming the setup for our test environment on NA-07 and would like to be able to test API integrations. Currently in the Developers Network this environment is not an option when creating a new API key. Can it please be added?”

  • Response from ExL: I reached out to the people who are working on this onboarding process. After discussing the project with them and this case, I was informed that you all should not be preparing to test APIs on NA07 at this time. You should reach out to the IC leads or their PMs for more info. The people I spoke to will also be reaching out to your PMs, just to make sure everyone is on the same page.


  • Could it be that this only applies to the Already-Alma campuses? (They have keys in their live environment and sandboxes.) Sarah doesn’t think this is the case.

  • Can’t you create an API key if you have a developer network account? Jackie is only able to get sandbox keys.

  • Alison: we have API keys for TL
    & were told the TL keys were going to become the production keys.

  • Might they be waiting for the Integration overview meeting?




Technical communication & engagement next steps


Report on progress from 2/22 meeting.

  1. Subgroup A “expertise” (Carlo, Lynne, Liz M) Deliverable: Create a document by the end of Nov to be shared with ExLibris. Meeting with ExL 2/5 at noon.


Carlo, Tom, Lynne

Need to define a process for FGs to request meetings with ExL consultants. Ideally, this goes through the PMs to coordinate. DRAFT PROCESS:

  1. PMs review the form responses at Tues and Thurs meetings. Determine if the request is complete enough for Marci to forward to the ExL consultants to review and see what more they need. (couple of days) – FORM IS IN THE WORKS

  2. Marci will let us know that the consultants have what they need and will confirm the date and time the ExL consultant can meet.

  3. Marci schedules the meeting for the ExL consultant to attend.

  4. SILS PM let’s the group co-chairs know to forward the Zoom invite to the listserv for Marci for calendaring with ExL: SILS-EXL-UCS-PM-L@listserv.ucop.edu

(From SILS Chairs meeting on 2/24) Ex Libris recommends to consortium customers to participate in Alma Consortia Advocacy Group (ACAG) managed by IGeLU and ELUNA - consortialalma@exlibrisusers.org (currently, Lena, Christine, and Lynne G are members. The purpose of the group is to band together to advocate for consortial functionality, and a forum for discussion. Most members are the systems office staff rather than staff with deep technical knowledge.)

https://exlibrisusers.org/listinfo/consortialalma (Main list)

https://exlibrisusers.org/listinfo/almacon-ermig (ERM subgroup)

https://exlibrisusers.org/listinfo/almarsig (Resource Sharing subgroup)




Other / Homework

MVP: Has anyone done a local version of the MVP? If so, did it spark any interesting discussions?








Q&A (recurring)


Q&A during the IC meeting as a first stop before asking a question on Basecamp.

If it’s time-sensitive, post to slack (IC channel, SILS Chairs are good options)

Any issues that we want to seek broader input from other consortia?







Questions for Ex Libris PM (recurring)

Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7!

Note: We lose in efficiency and we may lose in translation when questions go through the PMs. When topics come up that should logically go to Basecamp to the Ex Libris consultants, invite an IC (or appropriate person) to take point on that issue.



Several ICs ask if you would escalate this issue to get a better answer and clear up the confusion. https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/messages/3294005597

  • Response from Marci: Wei Dai (one of our authentication experts) will be available at the start of Monday’s meeting (March 1st) and will be able to answer questions directly for the existing Alma campuses.




Parking lot




  • Primo VE workshop (week of May 17): which environment to use for training?

  • Guidelines and best practices for managing accounts and roles (do we allow shared accounts? etc.) See Feb 11 & 18 IC meeting notes.

  • (If needed) Best practices/guidelines for APIs.

  • TBD: Buddy system (Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads) Timing: after spring workshops, if there’s interest














The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu