@Gillian Keleher (working out of state - may not be available)
@Sarah Lindsey (out on 11/2)
@Caitlin Nelson
@Alison Ray (CDL)(out on 11/12)
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM
Discussion items
Desired Outcome
Desired Outcome
Check-in / Logistics
Report any major changes in availability / circumstances
Lakshmi was evacuated and thankfully is now back home.
Greg started physical therapy through thanksgiving – will be out of the house for 3 hours 2x week.
Lynne has a new staff member coming on who will be taking over eventually. This person will be co-working with Lynne with the intention of taking Lynne’s place as UCB IC.
Save the date: UCLA, UCSF, UCSD, UCB, UCM for individual config meetings during this period: Jan 8-15.
Jan 11 (12-2) UCM
Others will be scheduled soon
Confirmed with Laurie that the following topics will be covered during the Tues Nov 17 Migration meeting for the Alma campuses (UCD, UCI, UCR, UCSB, UCSC):
Data extracts
Admin user
Primo/Primo VE configurations
Followup from Aeon meeting:
[UC Follow-up] - Set up a meeting with Atlas to address UCS-specific Aeon concerns (Interest? Timing?)
[UC Follow-up] - Consistent language for Aeon link - across UC (interest in sending this to PPC to assign the work?)
[EXL Follow-Up] To review possibility if/how this would work with the NZ (NZ scope via IZ or NZ Primo VE)
This issue is still a lower priority than each campus getting their Aeon configured, plus any consortia wide decisions about that (verbiage, link placement, etc.)
Also, additional decisions still need to be made by UC on the use of the NZ directly or the NZ scope via their IZ Primo VE. (assigned to Discovery FG and decision coming soon)
Vanguard lessons learned by each vanguard campus (in preparation for Nov 2 Lessons Learned with ExL)
Scope: Lessons learned to inform test load.
What worked well? didn’t work well? what would you do differently next time (for the test load)?
Possible questions:
Did you consult the right people (in filling out forms, etc.)?
Any big lessons learned with the forms?
Did you have enough time?
Did you have the resources you needed?
Did you end up scaling back your plan? What was the result/impact?
Did you learn what you needed to learn in Vanguard?
Are you feeling comfortable going into test load? If not, what concerns you?
What trends are we seeing to share with Ex Libris?
Need for individual configuration Q&A meetings with Ex Libris.
Lynne: vanguard was really useful!
It’s not clear about what will be covered in meetings so they can decide whether to go.
Got wrong answers at times (bar codes).
Primo configuration form was not followed; would like reassurance in the next round. Is it the first thing UCB needs to check in testing?
Order in the NZ affects your records and what you see
Haven’t created a lot of test accounts since the data is just not ready.
Vanguard is not over – still working on unpacking one corner of the ice berg.
consulting: They had some turnover and reassignments but did consult the right people; didn’t always get the answer on the first try with Ex Libris.
forms: Migration form was locked down and unusable; displayed process data in strange order. In the end, they filled it out from scratch. Mapping form was fine.
Completed assignments on time. It was stressful in the last week; some staff were anxious in doing work
Had resources needed
Did scale back their plan – P2E was much smaller
Still learning! It’s a new philosophy
Feeling 100% more comfortable having gone through the vanguard. Discovered metadata group made a decision that affected the records that got loaded. MD didn’t talk to Circ. They have updated their procedures so this should not happen again.
Frustrations: groupings of 5 (would have preferred to know the reason upfront - only for vanguard and it would be too much work for ExL, and they could be added later.
Trends: More complete answers (include the why and anticipate the next question)
Alison (NZ)
Exempt from forms and loading order so easier.
Learned what you needed to? Locally, there were more expectations put on the vanguard; still some anxiety around workflows and eresources and how NZ impacts Primo and other IZs.
Looking at all the ways to integrate with VDX - still undetermined.
ExL fixes problems but you don’t know why the problem was caused to avoid it in the future. Available for group
Enough time? testing workflows for as long as possible.
resources? Lots of work after hours.
CDL had raised in the issue of SCP records early on during onboarding that could have been addressed much earlier than late July.
Learned that data extracts affected SFX (took it down for 15 minutes!) so schedule the data extracts more carefully so they don’t affect production services.
Vanguard was valuable. Better positioned for test load.
Pleased with Amanda’s training
Need more time to make good decisions on eresources.
Didn’t have the amount of time they would have liked to make decisions.
Path to migration was simpler - didn’t have to manually extract the data, but the limitations of the tool led to the same frustrations with default config settings.
Feeling comfortable and know what to look out for.
Concerns? Big diff in structure and terminology between Voyager (old gen) and Alma (next gen). Needed more hand-holding. Would have liked an explanation of here’s how things translate from Voyager to Alma. Could be a 6-hour session just on access services. Self-serve with videos and documentation is not enough.
Check your admin account (Laurie will discuss this at the migration meeting for existing campuses)
Analytics didn’t migrate - different version of Oracle.
SSO will not work in the test load. you’ll need to create an internal account.
Jeremy will share his tips via slack and we can paste them here. They are good advice!
Did anyone ask for one-on-one calls with ExL (besides the migration meeting calls) - NZ group had several meetings. It was an opportunity to correct some wrong assumptions by ExL. This is what eventually led to the recommendation for the SCP IZ.
Will these meetings be useful during test? Yes, UCB is looking forward to their one-on-one migration meeting. They are compiling questions.
Can be logistically challenging to coordinate one-off calls. BC is easier.
Will one hour be enough for all the Alma campuses for the migration meeting?
Setting up role profiles for vanguard testing was the most difficult part. Arm killer with all the clicking. Do these persist for cutover?
How do you want to do the Nov 2 lessons learned? What would you like to share? What trends are we seeing?
Other / Homework
Topic for UC-led meeting: printing in Alma; use an Ex Libris meeting slot. (suggested by Lynne)
Questions for Ex Libris PM
Update on 3-month continuation Post Go Live and why only CDL and UCM were listed for SFX: It was an artifact from the contract. CDL and all campuses (not just UCM) have a 3-month continuation with SFX. Lena created a new section on the Current v. SILS products page on Confluence with this decommissioning info. The simple rule is the 3-month continuation applies to all Ex Libris products.
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu