2020-09-24 Meeting notes
Sep 24, 2020 2-3:30 pm
@Tom Bustos , co-chair
@Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair
@Lakshmi Arunachalam
@Ramon Barcia
@Susan Boone
@Greg Ferguson
@Lynne E. Grigsby
@Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)
@Jeremy Hobbs
@Gillian Keleher (working out of state - may not be available)
@Sarah Lindsey
@Caitlin Nelson
@Alison Ray (CDL), out
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Check-in / Logistics | Report any major changes in availability / circumstances | 15 | Carlo |
2 | ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC | Patron Data ILS Data Cleanup PPC: All-decision Rollup
| 5 | Chairs |
3 | RLF presentation | Debrief on RLF presentation | 15 | Carlo |
| Interest in putting this topic on a SILS Chairs meeting agenda. | @Lynne E. Grigsby@Carlo Medina (Unlicensed)@Tom Bustos to organize a session on RLF questions (how do UCs want to display information? what do we want for depositing and requesting? what questions do we want to ask Ex Libris? @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will put RLF discussion on SILS Chairs next agenda (Oct 21). Tom, Carlo, Lynne, Cathy will facilitate the discussion. |
4 | Timeline review Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7! PM week-by-week timeline with testing, data cleanup | Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines: Basecamp To-Dos and share “good to know’s” | 10 | Lena | Data editing moratorium extended until 9/25. UCB has done the phase 1 critical validation and are doing phase 2 testing. Some important records still need to be reviewed - only about 100 records but if they were changed it would not be good. Assumption is records that change in the NZ will sync up and change in the IZ. NZ → IZ. If you set your settings to “save to the NZ”, it will. If you make a local change to your IZ, does the NZ override it later? Even if your copy is the master record in the NZ, it’s not the master in your IZ - is this true? An IC will post these questions about the NZ → IZ and IZ → NZ workflows to Basecamp. Ex Libris meetings upcoming:
Vanguard completion checklist:
| Lynne does not want to hold up testing for the 100 records UCB still needs to test. However, an extra day would be useful for UCB so extend the moratorium through Monday 9/28. Propose moratorium through Monday 9/28 to Liz. (done and she agreed after consulting with RM FG) | @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will cancel the Nov office hours that will be used for migration meetings Nov 6-20. @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will reach out to Liz M on PPC channel.
5 | Vanguard testing Vanguard testing decision page (includes links to all other resources) Data security acknowledgment google form is in the Data Security IC folder on gdrive. | Round-robin with vanguard campuses: Share progress on local implementation testing; anything you want to share with the group? anything the group can help you with? | 15 | Tom |
| @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will ask about the protocol for when ICs and others are asked to create SF tickets vs. when ExL does it for them. Do we need to identify the tickets “vanguard” or other identifier in the ticket subject or something like that so it’s routed properly? |
6 | Other / Homework |
| 0 |
| Response time – address it in this round? Sandbox is slower than production - expected behavior. Alma dashboard doesn’t come up about a third of the time and requires a browser refresh. Lynne proposes doing automated response time testing later. Q: What is the protocol for when ICs create SF tickets vs. when ExL does it for them? Q: Do we need to identify SalesForce tickets as “vanguard” or with any other identifier in the ticket subject line so it’s routed properly? A: SF Tickets are setup to route to the right place, so nothing additional needed at this time. New — Marci suggested the ICs might want to think about how to use subject lines in sales force tickets for easier sorting in reports later. |
| @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) will gather more info on response time and refreshing browser needed to display dashboard or changes, then pose a question on Basecamp. Will work with Greg on the question to BC. |
7 | Parking lot |
| Oct 29 IC meeting: vanguard lessons learned and show and tell by each vanguard campus (in preparation for Nov 2 Lessons Learned with ExL) |
8 |
| TOTAL | 60 / 90 |
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu