2020-06-18 Special Meeting: Project Timeline Review and Basecamp Tour

2020-06-18 Special Meeting: Project Timeline Review and Basecamp Tour


Jun 18, 2020 2-4


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam (UCI backup)

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM

  • Several members of PPC attended including co-chairs, Xiaoli Li and Claudia Horning.

Not attending

  • @Alison Elizabeth Regan (Unlicensed)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Ex Libris special meeting

Marci Degnan, ExL PM

Awareness of project timeline for vanguard phase & how basecamp will be used



  • Marci will create meeting agendas a week in advance. They are posted on basecamp “Weekly Project Meetings”.

  • Tip: you can toggle to view To Do’s as “cards” in Basecamp.

  • Marci and PMs have not yet started working on the full project timeline; focusing on the Vanguard now to get it going.

  • Alma training begins next week, and hands on training for sandboxes. Let Marci know if you have any trouble accessing the sandboxes. She’s noticed folks are in there already which is great.

  • Israel team works Sunday through Thursday.

  • Goal of delivering the test load and the training is to be ready to evaluate Alma.

  • Shared online training workshop templates with Neil and TOC.

  • TBD later: how much time to spend on Vanguard evaluation vs. moving right into Implementation test load phase.

  • Weekly update meetings: updates from Marci, SILS PMs, then ask questions about training; post questions by end of day weds. to allow ExL time to prepare responses on Mondays. Topics for training are called out for Monday meetings in Basecamp, and recordings will be linked from the Ex Libris Meeting Recordings sheet.

  • Special meetings: scheduled! When there’s no special topic, the time is open for office hours. Office hours can be used for training or topical deep dives. Just ask with enough time for ExL to prepare.

  • June 25 special meeting is overview of electronic data migration: P2E, SFX, ERM and more.

  • “UCS Vanguard: Alma Trainings” on basecamp:

    • To Do lists for training are separated for Alma and Primo VE.

    • Each training topic has To Do’s for the training, exercises, and for questions e.g, “Post Navigation and Searching-related questions to this discussion”

    • Course reserves and booking requests has its own training outside Resource Management since there’s a lot to cover.

  • UCS Vanguard: Primo VE Trainings and Tasks: coming in September

  • Sandboxes will be delivered May 11 by Ex Libris

  • UCS Vanguard Initial Configuration Preparations: formed needed by the end of August in order to provide the data in early September.

    • 90% of the time, the draft configuration form works as the final form.

  • Alma certification: recommendations are coming from TOC for who should be certified. Not dated at this point but TOC may work with Marci to do this in the future.

Laurie spoke on Vanguard test load timeline spreadsheet.

  • Migration Validation tool was due on 6/8. Done.

  • Voyager tool - in progress ahead of schedule

  • Drop dead deadline for data and forms is 7/31/20

  • Draft migration form (except UCSB), preferred due date of July 10. Map iii/voyager codes to Alma codes. Migration Validation tool can pre-populate some of this data.

  • Final migration form - will not be needed if the draft form has been validated and there are no problems. July 17

  • Field mapping (UCB, UCSF, UCSD); CDL does not need to complete it. ExL will do it for CDL since there are only a couple of fields. Mapping iii fields to Alma fields. Must have validation tool in place before field mapping. Click on entity, import one or more files, map to expected field names in Alma.

  • P2E draft - usually the draft is fine and becomes the final. Preferred date of Jul 20 for draft and July 27 for final.

  • Provide order for loading into NZ by Jul 31

  • iii and voyager data extracts due by 7/31, but earlier would be great.

  • Delivered file lists: number, encoding, etc. Helps in the event something gets corrupted. ExL compares the numbers to make sure everything matches.

  • Alma bib extracts due 7/31 (UCSB only)

  • 360RM/Intota reports and form due 7/31

  • Campus who wants to migrate their ERM data, deadline is the same - 7/31.

  • Vanguard start date is Aug 9: everything is in; waiting for ExL to deliver.

  • Concerns? Questions? Laurie advised it’s time-consuming to do mapping and validation. The forms and data go together – UCB must run it through the data extract to get a final mapping form. UCB has one person doing bibs, another doing acquisitions, etc. UCB will have 3 mapping forms. Is that OK? Recommendation is to have one person consolidate them at UCB. If not, ExLibris will consolidate them.

  • Risk of getting everything to Ex Libris on Jul 31 could overwhelm ExL in reviewing. However, Laurie will find the time to review everything if needed! Getting it in sooner gives ExL more time to have back and forth and work together on things that don’t look right.

  • Greg and team agreed Jul 10 is UCSD’s target date to get Greg extract files so he can run them centrally. Start filling out a blank migration form sooner. If he starts filling out the form, does he need to upload it into the tool and then run the extracts? Laurie said: Save a copy of the form, import the form into the tool, run the data to populate it, save the form if needed, continue to import the tool. If Greg adds all the locations, how do they know the data that comes out of the extract file will be in the correct row that they manually put in ahead of time? Trust the tool. Greg will start with location codes in alpha order. The tool will fill in record order. Any issues. Greg is trying to avoid having the data they put in the form wiped out. Laurie confirmed the deadline of Jul 10 is a preferred deadline and if you get it later, that’s OK. Laurie said to let her know if you want to work together or to reach out if help is needed.

Other questions about vanguard? No, the meeting ended at 3:20.


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to confirm all ICs are invited to 2-hour special meetings.
Marci will add the timeline spreadsheet to the Basecamp meeting.

Other / Homework










120 / 120





Future agenda items

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu