2020-04-02 IC Meeting notes
Apr 2, 2020 2-2:30 pm
@Tom Bustos , co-chair
@Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair
@Ramon Barcia
@Susan Boone
@Greg Ferguson
@Lynne E. Grigsby
@Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)
@Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed)
@Jeremy Hobbs
@Gillian Keleher
@Sarah Lindsey
@Caitlin Nelson
@Alison Ray (CDL)
@Alison Elizabeth Regan (Unlicensed)
Not attending
everyone attended
Future agenda items
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Check-in | Report any major changes in availability / circumstances | 5 | Chairs |
2 | Logistics | Get on same page about some logistical stuff | 5 | Chairs |
| Get ExL to give us the agendas for these meetings well in advance so we can invite the appropriate people. First meeting (April 6) will be just ICs. | @Caitlin Nelson Ask ExL what support they can provide in terms of answering specific campus questions. |
3 | Vanguard Discussion | IC Group will make a recommendation on the Vanguard institutions | 10 | CN | Update: UCLA said Y; UCSD will hear from last program director tomorrow. CN spoke with Maria B at ExL: She says 5 inst in vanguard are the max, but still possible. If UCSD says Y, should we accept everyone volunteered? Or ask someone to step back? (No need to decide today, just food for thought…) Caitlin: we have four campuses who have approved their being a vanguard campus. UCSD is also still under consideration. What should we do if UCSD approves? According to Ex Libris, they are OK with 5 vanguards, this would be the most they recommend. Alison Ray: has a question whether CDL can go into the Network zone? Carlo: mentioned the decision for UCLA to participate in the SILS Vanguard in the Library all hands zoom session with more than ~250 participants. No concerns where raised. Several people expressed support. Carlo mentioned upcoming opportunities for Library staff to participate more full with Alma technology then were previously possible with Voyager. | UCLA has decided to be a Vanguard campus | @Caitlin Nelson to confirm with ExL about CDL going into the Network Zone - does it have to feed into the NZ through an IZ, or does it “count” as one of the vanguard? |
4 | Discuss implementation form | Understand which fields to fill out as campus vs. system | 45 | Team | Forms and samples Drive folder Editable / commentable version of the implementation
| @Caitlin Nelson Check in with ILS Data Cleanup group on noting issues that were problems during previous migrations. Come around back to that “tab” (per Lynne). |
5 | Questions for ExL |
6 | Other / Homework |
| 10 |
7 |
| TOTAL | 75 / 90 |
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Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu