2020-04-23 Meeting notes

2020-04-23 Meeting notes


Apr 23, 2020 2-2:30 pm


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)

  • @Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed)

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

Not attending

  • @Alison Elizabeth Regan (Unlicensed) (on bereavement)

Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances



business as usual! Nothing major to report…

  • Bill: expressed a concern that not all IC’s are at 100% availability.

  • Team discussion: what does “available” mean? Is there anything that’s going to dramatically slow us down, or hinder the project? These would be brought up to the group.

  • Contingency planning: an artifact with a list of names of backups with emails should someone be unavailable. Backups need to consent to be a backup.


ICs will name their backup here: Contingency Backup contacts by Apr 30, 2020

ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups

ICs know how it’s going with these groups



ILS DC: Already going from Phase 3, very strong, no needs yet.
Patron Data: hasn’t started yet, could liaise with Fulfillment FG?


@Caitlin Nelson slack the link to the sample form to the ILSDC and Patron Data groups. Caveat: this is a SAMPLE, and we wouldn’t do it this way again.
@Caitlin Nelson Ask Maria to upload the migration forms to Basecamp

Timeline review

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines



Basecamp scheduled items: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/schedules/2379093803

  1. Implementation forms done - YAY!!!!

  2. Training due tomorrow 4/24 EOD. Lynne: pointed out intermittent problems people are having with the training videos may be internet related, not specific to ExL. Tom: reported that reloading the videos may work to resolve video.

  3. Authentication forms due… as needed? Vanguard test load is August / Regular Implementation December?

  4. Collaborative Decision Making ToDo’s in Basecamp: Caitlin covered this in Agenda item “5 Network Zone Investigation” below.

  5. “Getting Ready” Resources ToDo’s in Basecamp: we will keep the Apr 30, 2020 due date.

Basecamp ToDo’s will remain one per IC Team, individually assigned to all IC’s. When done, IC’s will post a comment “done” and remove their name from Assigned To list. Or, @Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed) will do this after the “done” comment is posted.

@Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed) remove assignments from GTKA training ToDo’s in Basecamp for IC’s that are done
@Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed) assign IC’s to the “Getting Ready” Resources ToDo’s in Basecamp

3rd party integration forms

Review the form together, get any questions documented



Prioritize the more important pieces: authentication, SIS.

<vent> Guidelines are lacking! </vent>

Question: do their APIs cost anything if we use them for SIS later?

  • There is an effort cost to setting it up and maintaining it, and there are daily use limits (~100k in 24 hrs?)

  • $ cost?

Spine labeling -

May 29th deadline

  • Lynne: would like to set up a meeting with the Alma campuses so the Non-Alma campuses can ask questions. Carlo: “What don’t we know” meeting. Ramon: a lessons Learned meeting. Susan: What to focus on now and what we can wait until we’re live. Sarah: would cover how the barcodes got messed up post migration.


IC’s reply to Caitlin’s post the #ic channel in slack “Weekly Slack "what do you want to know from the Alma/Primo campuses?" thread. Reply with your topic and "thumbs up" here by EOD Tuesday.” Apr 28, 2020

Network Zone investigation

Start to plan for how we want to educate ourselves about the Network Zone, in anticipation of answering ExL config questions



Collaborative Decision Making to-do in basecamp

  • Running doc with questions?

  • Vision / principles / practices doc?

  • Talk to other consortia

  • What does ExL have in terms of defaults that we can take?

  • Assumptions doc

Q: Are all NZs the same? “when you’ve talked to one consortium, you’ve talked to one consortium.”

Preread? What other resources are there? How do we know what questions we have?


  • Lynne: Network Zones are different from one consortia to the next

  • Sarah: there is not a lot of ExL documentation available on NZ’s

  • Caitlin: is there something common from ExL on the settings that could be set? Sarah: there really isn’t any kind of defaults available.

  • Caitlin: if the Functional Groups write vision docs on what they want, this can be input to the IC’s on how to setup the NZ’s. Lynne: the vision would be different from the principles in the Charge from the WG.

  • Lynne: proposes that we read the NZ documents first and come back to this discussion after some study


@Caitlin Nelson assign consortia read in Basecamp, with due date Apr 30th

Other / Homework




  • Add Alma topics to the Slack #IC channel Apr 28, 2020

  • Complete four “Getting Ready” Resources ToDo’s in Basecamp by Apr 30, 2020

  • Read two NZ zone documents from Agenda item “5 Network Zone Investigation” above. Apr 29, 2020






90 / 90






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