2021-04-08 Meeting notes

2021-04-08 Meeting notes


Apr 8, 2021 2-3:30 pm


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Jackie Gosselar

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher

  • @Sarah Lindsey, out

  • @Caitlin Nelson , on leave

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics / Any issues with testing?

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances

Anything to report on the test load?

Progress on authentication integration? UCSD and UCB initial testing is done. Anyone else getting close? EXL waiting on campus work.



  • UCSD is having some trouble testing blocks, especially with general blocks. Greg had to refresh them to get the block.

  • Authentication testing:

    • UCSD SSO is working for Greg but another person testing is getting weird ghost Primo. Lynne had a similar problem and had to give the person an Alma role to make it work. UCSD has a parallel login for Alma or Primo.

    • UCM is resolving some account issues.

    • UCR has met with Wei Dai a few times and SAML is working now. They are moving from Duo to MFA. Have to modify the local host file to test SSO.

    • UCSB is not planning to test since it’s working in production. Ramon advised testing in NA07 just to be sure.

    • UCI worked with Wei to test SAML and it went well.

    • UCB is motivated to get it working since it’s easier to set up test accounts.

    • UCD will double-check with our Library IT people to see how ours is working




ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC

  • ILS Data Cleanup (Tom): co-chairs visit on 3rd Thursdays. TJ Kao and/or Catherine Busselen will join on 4/15.

  • Patron Data (Carlo)

  • PPC: Review final decisions (as needed)

  • SILS Chairs/Coordinators meeting update & actions


Carlo, Tom

  1. (Shared via slack 4/5) PPC would like to share the Collaborative Workflow Testing spreadsheet they have created to track and ensure that stakeholders are involved in workflow decisions. This document doesn't replace the MVP, it is in addition to it.

  2. SILS Chairs 4/7 was devoted to shared governance for the ongoing service and the transition (see email). Documents (all documents are available here, located in the SILS Chairs folder) by 4/13.

    • Overview and potential questions for your consideration

    • Ongoing, UCLAS-Integrated SILS Organizational Structure

    • UCLAS-Integrated SILS Structure: Roles and Responsibilities for teams

    • Discussion Document: Phase 4 End Date, Transition and Ongoing Cohort Size



Timeline review / PM update

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines

Any topics that are not currently scheduled that need to be covered? See Basecamp Project Meetings. Feel free to request special meeting topics.




  • Cutover Plan Status: Save the date 4/29 2-3:30 at the IC meeting for 4.5 pre-meeting with Ex Libris on the Cutover.

  • Added a new option to the Request a Consultant form for “campus implementation team” when you need help from Ex Libris.

  • Update on slowness issue from 4/6: Ex Libris is actively investigating the slowness issue on NA07 and Marina is working closely with development. Alma is the concern. It shouldn’t be slow. Update 4/8: Sample searches seemed somewhat quicker - but Development still researching root cause and to find solution.

    • Greg is getting repeated instances where Alma disconnected - hasn’t seen this before. Hasn’t reported it because it has not been consistent.

  • Any questions on the timeline?




Update and questions from Alma Accounts Task Force

Named Users Validation Survey due 4/23

4/15: Alma Accounts TF to join IC meeting for 30 minutes


Lynne, Gillian

  • Fill out the survey please.

    • Current number for staff

    • Older number for students




IZ configuration work to support link resolving

Some things that were managed in the 'UC-wide' sfx_local instance, but will have to be configured in each IZ (integration profile).

  1. EBSCO LR plugin (https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todos/3122128694)

  2. Resolver augmentation (https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todos/3122128716)

  3. Google scholar publishing (https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todos/3122128162 - don't have all the info about GS quite yet, AEFG has also been thinking about this one)


Alison Ray

EBSCO LR + Resolver augmentation credentials

  • When does this configuration work need to be completed?

    • before go-live or possibly sooner if needed for testing by Discovery FG. If they are testing from outside Primo, e.g., from PubMed.

  • Does anything need to be tested? Alison will share a couple of tests URLs to use.

  • Alma screenshots are in the ExL KB instructions. Alison will add some before and after screenshots.

  • For already almas' integration profiles, you could set it up and just turn it off until your IZ is copied over for cutover.

  • Save GS profiles for cutover


@Alison Ray (CDL) will share a couple of tests URLs to use for LR configuration testing.
ICs to add these LR configuration tasks to your implementation checklist

Questions from slack

  • (Jackie, 4/1) Just checking, is it possible to scope the Receiving Operator for the institution? I keep getting prompted to add a service unit, but since I need to scope this for our acq. folks who serve all the libraries...I wanted to check first.

  • (Jeremy, 4/5) For PrimoVE normalization rules, are we going to have these norm rules managed at the NZ level for shared fields, or is it managed per campus as each campus wants to display?

  • (Lakshmi, 4/6) Do any of the campuses use TouchNet(online payment services) integration for the patrons to pay fines(bursar)?



  • Jackie ended up creating a profile.

  • PrimoVE norm rules in the NZ? No, not going to have these norm rules in the NZ. See ExL documentation. See DFG notesNo, not going to have these norm rules in the NZ. See ExL documentation, may be per campus

  • TouchNet: It’s complex at UCI now but they are looking forward to simplifying with TouchNet. Thanks, Lynne and Ramon for answering on slack.





Other / Homework




Greg will report an issue with a glitchy behavior. UCI had this behavior but is no longer seeing it.

Slowness on NA07:

  • From 3/18: Lynne created a ticket on BC about the slowness issue some campuses are experiencing in NA07.

  • From 4/1: Who wants to do this?

    • Ask other consortia if they had the same slowness experience in test load and how their experience is now in production. How did they do performance/load testing?

    • Ask ExL if we can get our resources upgraded now/fully provisioned? Or, could we get our resources upgraded at some amount of time before cutover for testing? Do we request a special meeting on this topic? “Performance/load testing and reviewing expected speeds per SLA.”

    • Update from 4/6: Ex Libris is actively investigating the slowness issue on NA07 and Marina is working closely with development. Alma is the concern. It shouldn’t be slow.

    • Update from 4/8:

      • Some optimizations/fixes made for Berkeley

      • Sample searches seemed somewhat quicker - but Development still researching root cause and to find solution

      • Still will add adjustments made for Berkeley to other campuses in the meanwhile





Q&A (recurring)


Q&A during the IC meeting as a first stop before asking a question on Basecamp.

If it’s time-sensitive, post to slack (IC channel, SILS Chairs are good options)

Any issues that we want to seek broader input from other consortia?



  • How are your campuses handling CDI testing? CDI records are inconsistent and UCI doesn’t want to waste time testing.

    • UCB is in the middle of testing - AEFG and DFG are doing the work at UCB.

    • UCSB likes the FRBR feature with CDI in PrimoV.




Questions for Ex Libris PM (recurring)

Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7!

Note: We lose in efficiency and we may lose in translation when questions go through the PMs. When topics come up that should logically go to Basecamp to the Ex Libris consultants, invite an IC (or appropriate person) to take point on that issue.



  • Reporting that many BC questions are unanswered. Will keep nudging but it’s causing frustration.

  • Shared Alma Training for existing Alma campuses: Looking for demos to ask ExL to do. They have questions they want to send to ensure it’s a 202 version and they get training on what’s changed in an NZ environment.




Parking lot




  • 4/15: Alma Accounts TF to join IC meeting for 30 minutes.

  • UCD Escalation (3/17): Requested a meeting with ExL next week.

  • (From 3/18 meeting with ILSDC) For post-go-live data cleanup work, create a plan (with estimates of the scale of work, timeline). Ask ExL to review it. Ask if ExL can do a scheduled job in our instance for us? (if that’s desired) Suggestion to setup a special meeting with ExL to discuss the SCP records. Catherine will provide the data/numbers and reach out to Tom & Carlo for next steps

  • Primo VE workshop (week of May 17): which environment to use for training?

    • Will they make live config changes during training? Yes - but they don't have to be permanently saved (they can be reverted back on the spot.) There’s an advantage to being the demo since ExL can make desired changes for you as they are working.

    • Marci suggests we decide by 2 weeks prior to the Workshop start (by April 30)

  • (If needed) Best practices/guidelines for APIs.

  • TBD: Buddy system (Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads) Timing: after spring workshops, if there’s interest








Review decisions and actions.






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu