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Note: 8/12 meeting was canceled due to lack of agenda items. FYI information was moved to this 8/19 agenda.
@Tom Bustos , co-chair, out 8/12
@Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair
@Lakshmi Arunachalam
@Ramon Barcia
@Susan Boone
@Greg Ferguson
@Jackie Gosselar
@Lynne E. Grigsby , out
@Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)
@Jeremy Hobbs
@Gillian Keleher
@Sarah Lindsey
@Caitlin Nelson
@Alison Ray (CDL)
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM
Discussion items
Q&A (recurring) - urgent questions
Do you have a question to discuss at the meeting? Add it below with your name.
Not an “urgent” question, but what are others setting as a timeout for Primo logins? Just curious as a guide. (Tom)
(Sarah) We have gotten the final confirmation that we cannot currently use the 899 MARC field to exclude items from the Discovery Network as we would prefer. For the long term, UCSC has created an Idea Exchange item to be able to use a local field when we define the search scope for the Network (which is what is needed to make the 899 work). Please encourage local voting for this issue if you are so disposed. The short term solution is to use the 520 field (DFG will test) which should be fine for equipment but does already have an assigned use in the MARC record. Allow Local Fields as filters for NZ Search Scopes (Sarah)
Is anyone still experiencing issues accessing their premium sandbox? For those with SSO issues, how was this resolved? (Tom)
Did anyone get an answer from ExL on the numeric vs. name issue in Facets?
Question for ExLibris: How are local campus membership votes weighted vs. a 10-campus consortial membership vote? Are they seen as equal votes or is the consortial vote weighted higher?
(Ask the ELUNA group that runs NERS. ExL doesn’t manage this. My understanding is a vote is a vote, whether an individual institution or consortium. If you want a single vote, you pay for an individual ELUNA membership. Work your magic on the Alma list to convince others to vote on your enhancement.)
What’s happening with the RLFs and Caia?
Browzine update from Gem
30 minutes
No questions, comments or concerns.
No more issues with sandbox access.
ExL didn’t indicate how they fixed the problem. Jackie will share the response from ExL. UCB, UCLA, saw this issue. UCM saw it earlier.
Hi Jackie, We ran into this problem when last time we delivered cutover data in Primo around July 25. It happened last time because we built the NZ of 5 campuses first and added 5 campuses later after the SP. As dev explained: "5 sites don't have translations for locations and institutions that were added SP mid-version. Since adding an Alma institution to a consortia mid-version won't trigger cache refresh for PRIMA_TRANSLATION and PRIMA_SHARED_TRANSLATIONS. Dev refreshed those regions manually. It fixed the problem." I am not sure what happened this time. We forwarded the case to development for further investigation. Can you add more information in the case if you are aware what changes may have occurred recently. Thanks, Ping
Idea Exchange is managed by ExL and anyone who has a login can vote.
UCB and UCLA are considering unchecking “transit option in remote storage configuration” as an interim solution
Browzine update: Gem is still investigating the options.
Expiration dates – what happens when they expire?
It’s complex. UCSC has some jobs with multiple expiration dates. They just turned on the job. Gillian will report back.
@Caitlin Nelson will investigate voting, paying separately to get a vote; strategies to use to influence others to vote for your enhancement request, etc.
How do I escalate a case?
How do I escalate a case?
Notify the consultant assigned to your case (via the case)
Notify your SILS Project Managers and consider adding them as an additional email to your case (but at minimum provide them the case #)
Your SILS PMs and EXL PM will work together to provide a plan for moving ahead with the issue
If consultant, SILS PMs, and EXL PM does not reply, or arrange for needed assistance, our EXL Project Sponsor, Marina Spivakov should be notified.
Is everyone signed up for ExL alerts? (shared via email 8/11) How can I sign up for System Status Alerts for Alma and Primo VE
UC libraries Alma & Primo VE instances are hosted on the ExLibris "NA07" environment, where the NA stands for the North America. If you wish, you and other library staff can sign up for System Status alerts for that environment here: (including current status, outage history, planned maintenance)
Sandboxes: Brief update was provided in the 9 August 2021: Project Status Update Meeting. ExL has all of the PSBs delivered to the Professional Services team and they are putting together messaging before releasing them to the campuses. Should be done by EOD on Friday. (shared via slack 8/11)
The generic sandboxes were decommissioned at the same time the Premium Sandboxes (PSBs) were created.
ExL suggests using Thursday offices hours to cover a topic if multiple campuses have the same issue. (shared via slack 8/11 - all-cohort)
Coming soon…
8/24 meeting at 8am with Marina and Omri on delays in syncing NZ and IZ at 8am. Expect the invite from Christine. (Note: This is not the time to discuss response time which Omri has spoken to us about in the past.)
The EXL Training team does not anticipate anyone else joining the cycle (based on Switch to Support schedules and time zones). Do note though that your KAP cycle will include the same sessions and content EXL delivers to all KAP attendees.
Originally, we discussed having the ICs see the questions in advance to decide if Ex Libris trainer, Amanda Schriver should demo your IZ. That turned out to be too complex to manage and not realistic for the workshop.
Instead, you now have the option to indicate "yes" or "no" to demo for each session of the workshop. And, you have the option to say "yes" or "no" to using your IZ if someone from your campus asks a question.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Parking lot
Review decisions and actions.
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact