2021-04-30 PPC Meeting notes

2021-04-30 PPC Meeting notes


  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed), Co-Chair

  • @Xiaoli Li , Co-Chair

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

Not attending

@Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates

Information sharing and problem-solving



RMFG: starting to really zero-in on what we’ll provide in terms of some MVP items (how many import profiles, rules, etc.); also learning more about how other consortia share authority work and finding out that no one we asked recommends using the built-in authority jobs in the NZ.

DCFG: Still working on harvesting more digital collections. Will be reaching out to Discovery and Archives & Special Collections EL (if they have bandwidth now; if not, it can wait until after go live) to help us evaluate and assess access and discovery issues.

Discovery: drafting decision pages for UC-eLinks rename, PrimoVE user interface branding, and boosting factor methodologies; continuing to explore WorldCat access options and whether or not to lead users to Worldcat.org or Basic WorldCat. Been asked to provide a first look at Primo VE. Is this a teaching session or just a demo? Librarians and staff could have some very detailed questions. Would such a presentation need to have AEFG and FFG to answer questions about e-resources and borrowing/lending. Which campus would be used for such a presentation? Currently trying to figure out what the best use of everyone’s time is. For now, leave the “consulted” section blank until this is determined.

Fulfillment & ILL: drafting (Go-Live) Format of Item Owner drop down list (Item Checkout Screen in Alma and Resource Sharing Request Form) (will share with Discovery) and updating decision pages for (Test and Go-Live) Strategy for Resource Sharing with WorldShare ILL (adding info about batch process to remove borrowing requests after they are received). Will be submitting request/questions to Ex-libris to special meeting on May 20th (currently on hold for us) about Document Delivery workflows).

PSELG: each member is reaching out to their campus for feedback on the question of concerns about implementing EasyActive or Fully Flexible. Discussion and feedback for ExL planned for early next week. Outreach to other consortia about implementation choice and their experience with their option is ongoing.

AEFG is solidifying its workflow decision pages: 001 and 002, e-resources related - shared with the PPC/NZ-CDL subgroup for feedback from the Shared Acquisitions perspective for CDL/campus coordination. 003 Import Profiles - reliable outcomes on full-bib with embedded order data profiles in NZ for print and electronic. Still refining process for brief EOD New Order followed by Update Inventory, as desired matching outcome has not yet been achieved. Consulting query out to SUNY re: their approach. May 4 AM Use Tax (& related tax, invoicing topics) w/ Ex Libris.




Cutover Plan




  • If we sign off on data check and then we go live, what happens if something is discovered later? What is the path forward to rectify issues at that point?

  • June 18th data extraction is due

  • June 25th NA07 is gone

  • July 9th already-Alma campuses have their tech freeze

  • Fiscal close - when should that happen for campuses?

  • There will be one month between loss of NA07 and go-live, what is PPC’s next steps?

  • What are the implications for rolling over from spring to summer term? What do we need to think about at each campus? For instance, do we need to let faculty know that there will be no rush orders?

    • for non-Alma we have to include reserves in our June 18 extracts

    • At UCSD our messaging is that "we can always buy for a course" but our catalog may not be as accurate as it used to be





Discuss and approve proposed decisions








  1. (Go-live) SCP no longer sending LHRs to OCLC

    1. Sending LHRs to OCLC represents a tremendous amount of work. Decision is to stop sending LHRs to OCLC and to remove existing LHRs.

  2. (GoLive) SCP, SFX, 360, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ

    1. In test load, more records were loaded into NZ; new decision is to reduce the number of records loaded into NZ to avoid duplication (and relying on CDI)

  1. Approved!

  2. Approved!

Share these decisions with the cohort.



  • FGs complete by April 28th, DONE!

  • PPC members review on April 29th, DONE!

  • PPC discusses on April 30th

What needs to be complete by 4/28:

  1. Reassess timelines

  2. Make sure all columns/rows are complete.

    1. If the column cannot be filled in, a brief explanation will suffice.

    2. If you are unsure of what to put in a given column, enter your best guess with a question mark.

    3. If any columns have the designation “TBD”, pls indicate what needs to be done.

  3. Delete rows that are blank and fill in any that are place holders.

  4. Resolve comments

  5. Review your categories and ensure they are properly tagged e.g, a service is something your FG is providing (like loading OCLC records); a policy which is a decision. There could also be a hybrid situation where something is a service and a recommendation (policy).

  6. Add links for any items that have a decision page

  7. Look at all the items you’ve listed to see if they are actually something your group has to do or decide e.g., if a campus wants to request analytics, what is the process? The MVP should only be added to if your group has to either enable something or make a decision about it.

  8. Move anything that is part of a checklist for testing to an internal document.




  • Complete any columns

  • How do we want to share this information and with whom?

    • PPC to think about this and discuss at next meeting

    • Under systemwide training column, who does this training/documentation? This will be discussed next week as well.

      • Lisa: I can see FG chairs having huddles to start planning out training, but I think bringing up training w/ our whole FG right now might send people over.....

    • How do we present this document in a way that they can absorb what it saying?

Bring to Coordinators on May 11 to see


CDI (recurring)

Next steps

  1. PMs will get Q2 answered. Done

  2. PSELG will discuss and bring back to PPC Q’s 3 & 4

  3. ExL would like to know exactly what our concerns are with EasyActive; what is the background on this? Why do UCs not want to be on EA?

    1. Once we have this information, PMs will open a SF case documenting all concerns and questions for ExL.

  4. Other?



(Go Live) CDI Models: FullyFlexible or EasyActive

Update from PSELG

  • This will be discussed at next week's SILS Chairs 2021-05-05

    • Xiaoli will give an overview

    • PSELG and Discovery will share their findings

  • We may not have a real choice here, but we do need to understand the UX fallout for going with EA or ways to manage it so that UX is smooth.

    • Do we even have a choice? Get this question answered.




EUOS (recurring)

Anything coming up in PPC/FGs that will affect end users and should be shared with EUOS?




That tech services freezes are coming quickly and we’re headed into a period that will impact current users pretty heavily.




PM Update

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project




For Monday project updates and office hours, feel free to skip and watch the recording later if there are no topics or if topics are not a subject of interest.

Analytics Workshop: this cannot be moved up but ExL is offering an Analytics overview that would be more in depth than the one provided in VG.


List of meetings on Basecamp

  • 5/4: Special meeting on Use Tax

  • 5/6: Ex Libris special meeting on Cutover Plan Review

  • 5/17: Special meeting on Work Orders. Questions due by 5/3

  • 5/17-5/21 Primo VE Workshop Week - Configs, NOT a training











Parking Lot




Collaborative Workflow Testing


Future meeting:

  • AEFG questions that came up were re: coordination of Analytics (cross-function?)

  • and... how the Selector role in Alma is changing (people will care, prob fits w/ AEFG, but overloads us....)












Future agenda items



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu