2020-11-06 PPC Meeting notes

2020-11-06 PPC Meeting notes


  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed), Co-Chair

  • @Xiaoli Li , Co-Chair

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

Not attending

  • @Caitlin Nelson , SSM

  • @Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates

Information sharing and problem-solving



Add group updates ahead of the meeting:

  • AEFG 1) wrapped up its additional decision pages, for review, and they include gestures to test load work; 2) identified liaison for Discovery FG work on CDI; made progress on P2E Session after Lisa met with Christine/Lena - this is likely to be either 11/12 or 11/16 based on speakers' availability.

  • RMFG started the NZ load order discussion. This week was drafting criteria and asking for campus input on how to rank them, next week we’ll finalize criteria and start talking about how campus data fits those criteria. The plan right now is to finalize the decision at our 11/17 meeting. We also met with the Discovery FG this past Tuesday to talk about how we can provide feedback/help with their usability testing. We had a longer list of known issues than I thought

  • TSELG: we reviewed the decisions regarding Marcive records (base file, cost-share, asking RMFG to figure out workflow and record loading) and YBP shelf-ready proposal.

  • Fulfillment and ILL FG decided to join in a consulting role for the Discovery FG and EUOS’s End-user Name Subgroup’s November/December work. Re-labeled some of our “Vanguard” decisions pages to “Test”, per our PPC discussion last week. Working through our “How to Integrate an ILL broker with Alma” decision. We’ll be adding a recommendation to harmonize NCIP integration across campuses. This will be coming to PPC to escalate up, since there is a cost for NCIP integration, and we may benefit from having all the campuses negotiate cost together. A decision page that makes recommendations on the handling of SRLF phantom records has been created, and will be worked on during Test by our FG, RMFG, Discovery, and the RLF subgroup.

  • Discovery: Our members are working in subgroups to partner with other FGs to work on UX testing questions and user flow; discussions to be collected by 12/1/20. Working on finalizing decision page for Primo VE for the NZ (Consortia Union View).

  • DCFG: We are working with the Discovery subgroup on Digital Collections to help them flesh out their testing scenarios with data from our collections. Currently, UCLA is the only campus that has harvested records into Primo, but CDL is actively working on it.





Decisions needed

Review and approve decisions

What decisions are still pending which will impact task load?





Approve the following decisions:


(Test Load/Go-live) YBP Shelf-ready Bibliographic Records in the NZ

  • This decision was approved


(Test load) MARCIVE Bibliographic Records in the NZ

  • Decision not to migrate Marcive records, but use UCSD SCP records in NZ. Also, electronic records should not be in the NZ or linked to NZ. Print records used for e-resources can be added to NZ, but it is not a best practice. Recommend that RMFG sets up the import profiles and processing guidelines during test load.

  • This decision was approved. (This will have impact on ILSDC work)


  • This decision was approved

(CDL-Managed Data in the Network Zone group):


  • Delete the page above and rename the VG page.


CDL/NZ Purchasing Workflow Recommendations for Test Load )

  • Documents what AEFG thinks the workflow will look like in the NZ. Points to future work in the test load phase. No impact on preparation/migration of data; this is all the items that will be worked on during test load. Will also explore options for campuses using the tertiary reporting code field.

  • Decision is approved

Electronic Resources Preparation (including P2E) for the Test Load

  • This decision page has a recommendation for test load extract for P2E. Nov 16 is shaping up to be the date of the P2E session for folks preparing their test load extract.

  • Rename if the content doesn’t change and add more links if there are changes.

  • Edits needed, but overall, page is approved. (This one needs to go to ILSDC - Catherine Busselen has this one).

  • Fulfillment will send her decision pages to IC co-chairs.



Even if you have sent the decision page before, re-send to ILSDC and/or IC co-chairs (plus cc Lena) so they have what they need for upcoming migration forms and data extracts.

@Lisa Spagnolo to add to the recommendation on the CDL/NZ Purchasing workflow that this applies to the NZ (not IZ).
@Lisa Spagnolo to expand on the 856 preparation section of the Electronic Resources Preparation for P2E page. Ok to rename to Test Load.
@Elizabeth Miraglia will clean up the Preparation of Campus SCP Data by deleting this page and renaming the VG page to include “Test Load”

Vanguard decisions that impact migration

Confirm which VG decisions might impact migration form decisions Vanguard Configuration Form

Do we need a decision page for test load?



  • The draft migration form is due on 12/7; the final form is due 12/14.

  • Note from Liz: the configuration form isn’t the same as the migration form. Configuration forms shouldn’t be due until January-ish. RMFG had 1 section of the configuration form that dealt with 9XX data and our “local data” page took care of that. We probably should put together a test load page, though.

    • If anything changed, we should create a new page, otherwise rename the old page. Revisit in December.

  • RMFG gets a lot of their work from ILSDC - not sure if that is reported up to ICs. Should we start tagging those decisions that ICs should pay special attention to?

  • FGs were supposed to alert ILSDC and IC co-chairs (and cc Lena) about which decisions were important for test load migration forms and data extracts. Also, pages should be tagged for those groups.

  • RLF decision is an example of something that went to ILSDC but ICs didn’t know about it. Are ILSDC communicating up?


@Xiaoli Li will slack the SILS Chairs channel that PPC tagged all the pages that impact migration/data extraction/test load with the tag “test-load” on Monday 11/9.


IC and PPC co-chairs will meet with SILS steering committee to discuss communications with Ex Libris and between IC and PPC on 11/9

What difficulties have you had /observed?

Do you have any suggestions / solutions?



  • More notes from Liz: I think most of the issues boil down to everyone being so busy that “check the decision pages” isn’t as helpful as it should be. Decision pages are a useful place of record to see what’s happening in each group but maybe more formal incorporation of the in progress and recently decided items into each group’s agenda? Even if they aren’t discussed just having them in an updates section might help? Also ask that groups report up? For example most RMFG decisions go directly to ILSDC, which is a subgroup of the ICs but may not get formally reported to the ICs. Also just as a best practice search Confluence if you’re unsure whether something has been addressed. Similar to how we’re expected to interact with Basecamp.

  • 3 communication issues:

    • project to ExL

    • PPC & IC

    • Cohort and local campus

  • Going into test load, our queries are getting more complicated, having special meetings to address the thornier issues

  • There’s what we don’t know we don’t know - like when we received our VG environments and didn’t realize that no one could do testing without touching UCB data because of linkages in the NZ. We don’t always know how the pieces fit together.

  • Put decisions on each others agenda. Xiaoli could create a list of decisions made for the test load and post on the SILS Chairs channel indicating which decisions impact data migration. Or could we utilize the tags in Confluence to allow people to search tags for test load?




PPC advice

Feedback on the need for a decision page



PSELG would appreciate PPC’s feedback and advice on the work PSELG related to the OA questions - should we, as a system, use CDI to manage OA resources?

  • Short-term: Does SCP (or any campus) need to continue to catalog OA resources? After discussing with RSFG and CDL E-book Strategies taskgroup, the firm recommendation - all campus migrate records. We are unable to harmonize policy before implementation.

  • Long-term: Associated with the original questions are multiple philosophical, workload, and work process issues that would need input from multiple stakeholder groups to arrive at a decision. The current SILS structure does not accommodate this type of policy question nor the workflow required to respond. Over the next few months, PSELG is preparing to do some information gathering work on each campus and prepare a document (tbd) to ensure these questions move forward while SILS develops a governance framework.


@Beth Callahan (Unlicensed) to create a decision page for OA questions including scope of what is meant by “short-term” and “long-term”

PM Update




  • Meeting notes from the IC “Lessons Learned” meeting with ExL for anyone interested.

  • New round of Alma and Primo VE basics training has begun.

    • This is a repeat of the trainings done for VG. If there is anyone new to your FG, local groups or on a non-VG campus, please have them take these trainings now.

    • Anyone who has already taken them is welcome to take them again if they like. (Not required)

    • The full list of trainings and timeline can be found at UCS Implementation Alma & Primo VE Trainings

  • For a list of meetings: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todolists/3080150924

    • Nov 9 Project update & User Management: (1 hour) - questions were due by 11/4

    • Nov 16 project update & Fulfillment (1 hour) - questions due by 11/11

    • Dec 7 project update & Resource Management part 1 (1 hour) - questions due by 12/2

    • Dec 14 project update & Resource Management part 2 (1 hour) - questions due by 12/9

  • Migration meetings that may be of interest:

    • Nov 18 at 11-1 eResources

    • Nov 19 at 10-12 CDL IZ & NZ

    • If you need the zoom link for either, let me know.












Parking Lot














Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu