2021-02-05 PPC Meeting notes

2021-02-05 PPC Meeting notes


  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed), Co-Chair

  • @Xiaoli Li , Co-Chair

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

Not attending

  • @Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates

Information sharing and problem-solving



TSELG: the group reviewed the revised GOBI proposal for systemwide contract for cataloging services (OCLC Plus). The proposal will be presented to Shared Content Leadership Group (SCLG) for approval. Marcive proposal will also be presented to SCLG this month.

RMFG: reviewed our earlier decision pages to figure out what else needs to be tested/reviewed in test load. Still refining some collaborative workflow documents. Next week will be providing some feedback for Discovery and taking a look at how to handle Digitization workflow testing.

Discovery: discussing how CDI EasyActive will affect discovery user experience (more detailed discussion notes); plan to rename “Everything” scope (agreement upon “Articles, books, and more”) that searches IZ + NZ + CDI; awaiting feedback from RMFG, AEFG, and Fullfillment-ILL FG on Discovery’s draft Decision Page for Default Primo VE Search Profile Configuration; discussing how to test the various ways to provide WorldCat access.

PPC/IC Subgroup A: Met with ExLibris today and discussed some options for increased communication and potential changes to meeting structures

AEFG: Group is assembling feedback for PPC’s OCLC and Discovery FG (CDI/Primo VE) queries. MVP tab in “review-ready” state, with coordination w/ CDL items that have AEFG intersections. Discussion of Testing protocols that will need more development week of 2/8. Feedback after Fiscal Close document distribution - may need additional communication from non-FG SILS direction. For the special meeting AEFG would like on fiscal close, Lisa, PMs (and others?) will talk more offline.

DCFG: We’re “finalizing” our MVP items on Monday, but expect there may be some small changes later. We’re also hoping to invite the Calisphere Team from CDL to one of our meetings, and we’re working on a set of questions we can give them in advance.

Fulfillment: Looping in Patron Data group onto a new decision page (Test Phase) Recommendation for Testing Shared Patron Phone Number Data Validation Sent a fulfillment configuration checklist and relevant decision pages to the ICs for test phase. Presented an AFN fly over and an FG status report to Working Group.





Share the experience using the MVP document

Have any item on Systemwide Work sheet been moved to the MVP document?

MVP lightening round is happening next week at SILS Chairs on Wednesday 2/10. Any questions?




MVP document

Systemwide work - running brainstorm

  • if you don’t need 5 minutes at SILS Chairs, that’s ok. Focus on what you want to highlight and bring to the group

  • Systemwide work running brainstorm doc: if you haven’t finished moving your items to the correct place, please do so.






Test Load

What testing each group will do? Is it necessary to have a Testing Worksheet for PPC like the one we had for vanguard?

When can we share the document Collaborative Workflow Testing and with whom (cohort and beyond)?

Are there any documents and/or decision pages needed?

Alma test environments potentially arriving on 2/12 moratorium is still until 2/25



Vanguard Testing Worksheet for PPC

Collaborative Workflow Testing

  • Alma test environments will be delivered by 2/12. Moratorium on testing will still be until 2/25

  • Summary of what is to be accomplished during test load by FG

    • AEFG: not looking at MVP directly, but they are thinking about day 1 work. Focus is how CDL interacts with NZ, management of electronic inventory, will inform campuses on how to process orders/invoices and deal with local stuff related to NZ. How to use NZ with vendors like GOBI. Will your group be able to come up with high level procedures? Ye and this brings up [an] item I think I mentioned last week re: a template/stylesheet for procedure document like that (so our FG could fill in screenshots, etc,.).

    • Discovery: Concentrating on defining CDI easy active, how it impacts discovery. What is call “everything” right now they want to call “articles, books and more”. Exploring how to get the WorldCat experience integrated and how to link it back into Alma for delivery (how is it retrieved and fulfilled). All the testing scenarios will be explored, starting with “pseudo-harmonizing” to see how that does/doesn’t work. Some configurations cannot be done on the form, only after you have Primo VE. Configs in Primo VE will impact

    • FFG: RLF setup - how will they be setup, as RSF or as a library? Then figuring out how to make CAIA (inventory management system) work with whatever setting is used. Several groups are working together on this topic but the responsible party is PPC. Loan periods have been standardized, supplier of last resort, & document delivery. Workflows have only just started to be discussed. They are working on a resource sharing manual which would provide a high level overview. NCIP update: informed SILS Working Group of the need for NCIP and WG was onboard with the idea of having this happen at the systemwide level. FFG will put forward this recommendation.

    • RMFG: testing a lot! How they collide with the NZ, workflows intersect with many other groups and will be consulting, discovery, working on creating a best practices and policies document for catalogers, when does a campus decide about a CZ record. There is a paradigm shift that has to take place because it will be totally different in Alma than what we are used to now. Figuring out what is not in cataloging’s wheelhouse anymore is a part of this process.

    • TSELG: where do MARCIVE records get loaded, NZ or IZ?

    • DCFG: will be testing loading collections to Primo VE and exploring UX.

    • PSELG: Q: where will metadata for digital collections (like OA, books, theses) be loaded, CZ? PSELG will explore this question. They have no plans for testing






RMFG NZ roles document

Approve/decide how to route



RMFG identified these processes as needing a direct NZ login. CDL asked that the group outline frequency and suggested staff (CDL, campus, or both) to start a dialogue about what our options might be. Once PPC approves, how best to route this to CDL for further discussion?


  • Approval to send this to CDL: Is this the right structure? Is it ready to be sent to CDL?

  • Need to use test load to dial some of the processes.

  • Should PPC form a subgroup to address this and test this? If so, start small. What do we need to go through test load?

    • an NZ account (someone that doesn’t work on CDL). Can’t be too many people since they are unwilling to hand out too many accounts. Who owns the NZ? Who needs access? Who are the deciders on who gets access? At a minimum, give the RMFG co-chairs accounts for test load.


@Xiaoli Li will email Alison Ray to get accounts for at least the RMFG co-chairs.
@Elizabeth Miraglia share the RMFG NZ document with Alison, Sarah and Lena.

What needs to be in OCLC?

Do we need to catalog everything in OCLC?

Is OCLC record number still very important that we need to have it in IZ/NZ?




  • Next steps:

    • do an environmental scan - what are other Alma campuses doing? What is the impact of moving away from OCLC?

      • Groups that would start:

        • RMFG

        • ACQ-ERM

        • Discovery

        • Special Collections

      • bring findings back to PPC




Proposal to form a Configurations Subgroup

Discuss whether we think a configurations subgroup is necessary, and if so, who should be members.



A few weeks ago at a SILS Chairs Mtg, someone suggested that there be a Configurations Subgroup. Discovery co-chairs met this week and agreed such a subgroup would be beneficial. Josephine drafted this proposal per the PMs' request - 

PROPOSAL:   Create a Configurations Subgroup


Have one group make sure configurations are being done correctly and consistently


  • An effective method to check configurations that especially will affect harmonization

  • To keep an eye on how configurations made by one group can affect the work of other groups

  • A good way to create quality control of configuration tasks

  • What is discussed and documented can provide future training materials for Internal Training Subgroup to incorporate into a training infohub


  • In anticipation that initial configurations will be adjusted during test phase, a designated subgroup taking an overarching view of configuration can improve workflow of all FGs from test load and cutover.

  • Ensure that no other groups are negatively impacted by a config decision and provides one space where areas of standardization can be identified.

  • Whatever is learned now could be folded into training

    • Liz M: it'd be good to have a central place to record configs that happen in the NZ, too so that people know what is and isn't up to their campus and I could see this group handling that

  • Would DFG want a subgroup just focused on Discovery? If so, DFG should go ahead and set up their own subgroup. Josephine: hadn’t thought of this as something that would sit inside of DFG.

    • Although Sarah Houghton agreed to have CDL take on the “Help” button, there is consensus that this is probably not something that they should take on.

  • This idea was brought forward for the whole project, not for one particular group. We can add this to the Coordinators agenda. If there is a need, Discovery would like to have one of their members on that subgroup.


@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) Add this to the next Coordinator’s agenda

PM Update

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project




List of meetings on Basecamp

  • Can we cancel Office Hours if no questions are submitted by end of day the Monday before the meeting?

    • If no questions, then ok to cancel

    • Can we re-purpose the time as a study hall. PPCs and ICs could discuss ahead of time if there is a mutual topic for discussion.

    • Christine will send question reminders on Mondays instead.

  • Next Thursday, “What to expect when Ex Libris delivers Alma environments” (Feb 11) & “Using Alma for Data Review” (Feb 25) meetings will be combined together on Feb 11.

  • Reminder that the MVP lightening round is happening next week at SILS Chairs on Wednesday 2/10.













Parking Lot




  • For January: CDL shared services In progress

    • Who from CDL should PPC liaise with?

    • Can CDL create a list of shared services that they will be providing? Would like to create a document that could be shared with cohort.

    • What services is CDL currently doing? What services will CDL be providing in production?











Future agenda items



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu