2022-03-28 Meeting notes
@Lisa Spagnolo (UCD)
@Laura Fouladi (UCI) - timekeeper
@Judy Keys (UCSD) - note taker
@Susan Boone (UCSF)
@Maricel Cruz (UCSB)
@Hiroko Acker (UCSC)
@Lisa Mackinder (CDL)
@Stacy McKenna (UCLA), Chair
@Erika Quintana (UCR), Vice Chair
Not attending:
@Osman Celik (UCB)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Welcome/Assemble | Allowing people to join from other meetings, etc. | 1-2 |
| ||
2 | Announcements | Share new general information. | 5 | All | Meeting recordings in Google Drive: SILS Cohort> Acquisitions & E-Resources> Acquisitions >Meeting Recordings Also vacation schedule https://docs.google.com/document/d/131VkCq5xNKQZNV7VQV1_FSRley1Kj-HsG9wzzE9XVJI/edit
3 | Communications |
| 10 |
| NZ CDL data cleanup project : “NZ Records Cleanup_Combined_2022Jan”. CDL staff is actively working on the “ALL COMBINED” tab…We are also working now to re-prioritize the remaining collections. As I’m sending this email to both the Acq and ER subteams, I’m hoping we can discuss this as a combined team to gather campus input on how best to prioritize the work that remains.
4 |
| 30 |
| Pick/choose a few deliverables and prioritizing them. GOBI workflows - Laura was starting a draft decision page, discuss! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MtCFK_0JzAcT4vQMucn8OEg8a1BTLPGy7FGa7BvIfOc/edit?usp=sharing (currently pending Ex Libris response to Laura’s ticket) Sharing Analytics reports - All Chairs recommends creating a “Draft”, “Working”, etc. labeled folder in the Shared>Community>Reports>Consortia>UCS space to make clear to the world they’re not final reports, and have them all conveniently in one place. (Creating is easier than deleting…). No feedback yet from OT on add’l stakeholders/report criteria. ILL - License terms visible to fulfillment staff - E-Res will likely “own” the decision page, with consultation from Acq, Fulfillment, and Discovery on where data can show up most usefully. Lisa Spagnolo already offered to revitalize a presentation she gave at the campus level to help clarify options (Wed 4/6). Added functionality desired - making Tier 3 terms visible to CDL! (We know many don't have such data in Alma - long term goal.) CDL’s 360 subscription is scheduled to expire on March 31. We need that data! (Update: 360 extended to June 30th, this is a hard deadline, info in the list is not being updated post go-live) Use Taxes - how are you doing it? Any suggestions on making it by line item? |
| All: investigate local reporting in Acq area. Discuss at campus level for which reports are in a shareable version. @Stacy McKenna to bring up possibility of UC-side Analytics workshop/ session (i.e., not Ex Libris-hosted) at all chairs (sorry, dropped this one). All: consider making short show-and-tell Analytics videos and sharing via Slack @Erika Quintana will add showing/reviewing use tax procedures to work plan All: consider whether we’re okay to consider item 1 on work plan (loading brief GOBI records into IZ) resolved All let Stacy and the group know whether your campus is ready to discuss licenses and work on permanent policies/procedures Use Taxes - develop a Google doc to share options
| |
5 | Other Topics/Issues? CDL / Local campus Workflows / |
| 5+ |
6 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Interfacing with Campus Financial - how’s it working?
7 |
| Total | 50/50 |
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