2023-01-23 Meeting notes
@Lisa Spagnolo (UCD)
@Laura Fouladi (UCI)
@Maricel Cruz (UCSB)
@Judy Keys (UCSD)
@Hiroko Acker (UCSC)
@Susan Boone (UCSF)
@Stacy McKenna (UCLA), Chair
@Erika Quintana (UCR), Vice Chair
Not attending:
@Sherry Lochhaas (CDL) - guest advisor (starting 2/2023)
@Lisa Mackinder (CDL) (medical leave through March)
@Osman Celik (UCB)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Welcome/Assemble | Allowing people to join from other meetings, etc. | 1-2 |
| ||
2 | Announcements | Share new general information. | 5 | All | New members happening in June - more details about process to come UCLA server location questions - based in tax code for “royalty” payments which many license agreements specifically state are not relevant to these services, so working on educating accounting teams. Ex Libris tickets - tried to tell UCLA the multi volume set issue for New Order Import Profiles was addressed in Nov 22 release, and close the ticket. If you have tickets that aren’t being addressed, or being addressed poorly, let Chair/Vice Chair know so we can get them on the leadership list to take to the monthly Ex Libris support meetings. New Analytics team looking at UCOP statistics (etc) - keep your eyes peeled for a survey coming out to find out what we’re currently doing. |
3 | CDLNZ-PT Update |
| 10 | @Erika Quintana @Lisa Spagnolo
4 | Deep Dive Discussion |
| 30 |
| Order Types - databases w/ portfolio vs collection… Harmonization on titles held by multiple campuses. Inventory that doesn’t get activated so doesn’t come off activation list. Where can reporting rely on them, where does it need massaging? Can reporting codes or inventory Material type help? Which POLs can be linked/corrected and which can’t? |
5 | CDL / Local campus Workflows - Updates? |
| Time permitting |
| 5/2: re: CDL-NZ group to support CDL Shared Acquisitions. Waiting to hear more. (Still true 8/15) 4/25
6 | Parking Lot for Previous Action Items |
| Wishlist: All-UC Import Profiles workshop for after Fall quarter |
7 | New Items | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| New Acq UX - Acquisitions Unified PO Line Task List expected to roll out 10/26-11/6 (we think) General processing topics to discuss more in depth - continuations (receiving, renewals, to encumber or not to encumber - serials vs standing orders, standing orders vs approval volumes, etc.) |
8 | Actions from previous meetings: | Total | 50/50 |
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