2022-04-04 Meeting notes

2022-04-04 Meeting notes


  • @Osman Celik (UCB)

  • @Lisa Spagnolo (UCD)

  • @Laura Fouladi (UCI)

  • @Judy Keys (UCSD)

  • @Susan Boone (UCSF)- timekeeper

  • @Hiroko Acker (UCSC) - note taker

  • @Stacy McKenna (UCLA), Chair

  • @Erika Quintana (UCR), Vice Chair

Not attending:

  • @Maricel Cruz (UCSB)

  • @Lisa Mackinder (CDL)


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Allowing people to join from other meetings, etc.






Share new general information.



Lisa S.'s presentation 4/6 on License terms in Alma Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Stacy on Vacation next week


@Erika Quintana will send out a link for next week





Gunter’s email 3/30/22 about CDL’s progress in Alma





ACQ Work Plan



Phase 4 Work Handoffs

Acq/E-Res leadership meeting - E-Res offered to take ownership of several items: E-resource workflow and record structure, De-duplication, IP range etc.

Reporting/Analytics - on hold: we need clear definition of specific report that upper management wants for analytics although we are encouraged to share the useful information within UC

Shared vendor: on hold


GOBI workflows - Laura was starting a draft decision page, discuss! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MtCFK_0JzAcT4vQMucn8OEg8a1BTLPGy7FGa7BvIfOc/edit?usp=sharing (currently pending Ex Libris response to Laura’s ticket)

Sharing Analytics reports - couldn’t attend this week’s All Chairs but asked that the idea of Analytics training be added to the agenda. We don’t need to spin our wheels guessing at what people might be looking for, but if you know of reports you’ll need using systemwide data (or even just sharing tips on pulling local data) we can help each other develop them. UCOP reports are a top priority

ILL - License terms Lisa Spagnolo presentation Wed 4/6. Determine with E-Res folk what our short list of desired visible terms is, and ask Discovery to make them visible. Then comes the long project of data entry…

Use Taxes - data online at https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1z4KxIjnG7QReTkx-HJQew9RMvgzkcgQM

Interfacing with Campus Financial - how’s it working? UCI Law is a not integrated (UCD and UCI are using the same software, so can have specific advice to detailed questions). Many campuses are doing double entry because their financial teams have refused integration. On call, only UCLA, UCD, and UCI non-law are integrated. Stacy will bring this up to operation team. UCB is seeking for API possibilities.

Assessment of GOBI svc/prep for renewal - What are we using GOBI Gold for? - not for Children’s Awards subaccount. Approvals w/ order records including OCLC #s that load direct to NZ (WorldCat update improves them). Are we getting bang for our buck with it?


All: investigate local reporting in Acq area. Discuss at campus level for which reports are in a shareable version.
All: consider making short show-and-tell Analytics videos and sharing via Slack
@Erika Quintana will add showing/reviewing use tax procedures to work plan
All: consider whether we’re okay to consider item 1 on work plan (loading brief GOBI records into IZ) resolved
All let Stacy and the group know whether your campus is ready to discuss licenses and work on permanent policies/procedures
Use Taxes - develop a Google doc to share options
@Stacy McKenna to explore escalating integration issue through Operations or Steering teams
See if Lisa M. has more info on GOBI contract to determine if we need to make it a WorkPlan item



Other Topics/Issues?

CDL / Local campus Workflows /








Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion
















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